Geek In the Pink

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Kelly and I are channeling each other.

What's Your Inner Beast? [pics]

The Feline:

The Feline is the symbol for Independence. You have a soul of a Cat inside you, which reflects a sensitive and independant behavior.

Strengths: Normal routines are common in this lifestyle as the Feline doesn't enjoy being brought upon something new because of this calm nature. The Feline is never really seen with many friends because of the indepenence it takes. A high awareness, overly observant, is also common. Some may call you an outcast at times, but you always seem to fit in wherever you are needed.

Flip Side: The past is like the present for you. The memories of long ago, good and bad, haunt your mind, and regret is always on the fringes of your thoughts. You can be very sensitive and shy when it comes to certain topics, and even around people.

Congratulations! You have a Cat inside!

pic (c) Christy Grandjean aka GoldenWolfen

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Which Classic Story Role Do You Play?

- You Are The Outlaw
"Sure, I'll do it. My way."

Just because you do not conform to the same laws and rules as everyone else does not mean that you are a bad guy. You travel your own path, separate from those around you, with your own reasons for doing what you do. Because of this and your own nature, it goes without saying that you are generally misunderstood. That does not matter much, though, as people love you for being who you are. You are pretty well set in your ways and have no real intention of changing. This can come across as a flicker of arrogance if your not careful. You do what is right for you, and God help anyone who stands in your way.
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Also, I finished reading How to Make an American Quilt at the gym on Friday. I like generational books like this, books that cover more than one life over many years. Definitely a "chick" book, but if you need something to read while on the treadmill/elliptical/stationary bike, it's worth it.

Quotes to Ponder:

"People are confused by women who are neither exceptional nor married; they seem to feel you should be one or the other."--p. 103

"How do these Californians stand it? It makes one lazy as hell. With so much of the year like summer, who rushes out to do any sort of summertime thing? I mean, what is the hurry--they sun will be back tomorrow. And the next day and the next."--Dean, p. 116

"No one, least of all yourself, really likes anything left over, something that, by its very nature, is shared with someone else. You feel this way about food, antique-clothing stores (ussed shoes give you a particularly creepy, unwholesome feeling, but then, you are a child of the 1930s), old houses, used cars, and gentlemen on the rebound. You want your own, brand-new, unused whatever it is; you want it to be exclusively yours, bear your mark."--p. 123

"Sometimes the oldest child is the lost child....The oldest child is unsure, always. It s uncertainty that comes from charting out new territory, dragging his parents along, clearing the way for siblings. When one makes a pancake, one always makes a tester first: the one that is poured on the hot griddle, then discarded as imperfect. Someone once said that oldest children are like tester pancakes and should be tossed out....They are buried children, locking up their rebellious or unruly nature, sometimes taking it out on brothers and sisters, hiding it from the adults. They bury the insecurity, the need; they overachieve or they disappear; they often harbor just the smallest fear."--p. 153-4


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