Geek In the Pink

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Pirates of Penzanze

(or: the wonders of a goatee and long hair).

The show was VERY funny. I know it's been adapted some, and the setting was changed to the Carribbean but we laughed our ASSES off.

The Pirate King was hot...until you saw his cast picture. It is utterly amazing what a pirate hair-do and beard will do for a man. Yum-my.

On a purely shallow note, people should not be allowed into live theatre wearing jeans/track pants/etc. It's a performance, people, put on a pair of khakis or something. Also, this musical was not neccessarily for children and really, more parents should check what they're getting into before they bring their 9 year olds. One little girl was TERRIFIED of the pirates. I felt bad for her.

That is all. Off to be social.


  • At 3:18 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Yay, I wanna see it now.

  • At 8:52 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    I like people in track pants and beer tees to go to the theater so I look sophisticated in a pullover shirt and jeans...As for parents bringing their young children to things that are not appropriate, do not get me started...

  • At 7:48 PM , Blogger leila said...

    I missed you at the Ren Faire. Roderick just wasn't the same without you...though I did get a chance to cinch his crotch it didn't totally suck to be me either ;)


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