Geek In the Pink

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Yay, weekend!

Boy, am I glad that I didn't have to get up at 5:30 this morning. I went home last night, with the cat, and crashed at the parents' house. Got up this morning, had breakfast and coffee with my dad, hung out with my brother and his was all good.

The three of us (brother, gf & I) are trying to figure out if we should all put in to buy the parents a new computer, as their old one is really annoying. They wouldn't need everything; just a new tower. We'll see.

The kids are starting to show their true colors at work, more due to the readings being difficult than actual behavioral issues. I'm hoping that, by some miracle, they suddenly begin to understand Oedipus Rex and that I will NOT have to read the entire play to them in class. 'Cause that would suck, Beavis. I refuse to do it, actually.

Not much else to report...kind of hungry, because I ate breakfast at 7 am. Will probably try to find some food.

You Are A Hornbeam Tree

You are a reserved person, looking in from the outside.
Naturally attractive, you take good care of your looks.
You are not egoistic, and you make life as comfortable as possible.
You look for kindness in others - though you are seldom happy with yourself.
A bit mistrusting and unsure, you dream of being swept away by someone unusual.

Your Learning Style: Curious and Brilliant

You are a very abstract learner. You can grasp even the most complex theories.

You Should Study:

Computer Science

Take the quiz:
Who would you be in the War of Armageddon?

The Archangel
You're the Archangel! You'd best fit the role of the Archangel during the Battle of Armageddon, the leader of heaven's army on earth. This says many things about you. You're the leader of all the angels, certainly the most powerful. You're very honest. You're not perfect but you're about as close as they come aside from The Father and Jesus. You fight for the forces of good but you certainly know your limits. There are a few you would not dare contend with...

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

My Personality

Openness To Experience

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Xanga, MySpace Surveys and MySpace Layouts by Pulseware Survey Software


  • At 10:57 AM , Blogger Mrs. Osgood said...

    Ooh, quizzies! Away I go!

  • At 12:10 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    LOL on "neuroticism" - what exactly are they measuring there?

    Glad you had a good start to your weekend.

  • At 12:12 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    If your a 4 in extraversion I must be a -2...

    What's so hard to understand about Oedipus Rex? I mean beyond the eww factor...

  • At 2:22 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    I got what appears to be a zero on agreeableness and conscientiousness. LOL


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