Geek In the Pink

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

OMG-Did I have a day!

A brief timeline

1. Alarm goes off, waking me from a really weird dream. I am severely disoriented. (5:30)
2. Get out of the house later than I'd wanted, but still manage to get to work on time. (6:45)
3. Assistant Principal is just pulling in, says we have to "talk."
4. One of my classes has disappeared; I am now teaching three, not four. (6:50)
5. Above situation is unacceptable. Am given two choices; decide to co-teach with my mentor for one class. (6:55)
6. Am given someone's homeroom and told to meet in his classroom "just for today." (7:15)
7. Have homeroom, go to my first period class with mentor. (7:50)
8. Phone rings; AP tells me I am to keep homeroom where it was; kids shouldn't have to walk to their first period class (8:15)
9. Rest of day is blur...(8:30-3:15)
10. Drive home, talking to roommate on hands-free device, car starts to rumble and drive funny (3:45)
11. Pull over to discover I have flat tire. Call AAA. (3:50)
12. Am rescued by very nice auto guy, who fixes my tire (4:20)
13. ... ... ...


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