Geek In the Pink

Monday, September 11, 2006

Bad Dreams and Bad Form

So I couldn't sleep last night. Part of it was your typical back-to-school anxiety, but I had this VERY bizarre dream involving a platoon (?) of US Marines who were coming home from Iraq but they'd lost a bunch of their comrades over there and it was all very traumatic for them and for me.
And I have a problem with both CNN and MSNBC for re-broadcasting the unedited footage of that morning. I know we shouldn't forget what happened, it's like watching Challenger blow up again or something...why do it to us?

Anyway, my boys play tonight and I'm a little nervous, as they are under a brand new coach and while my "new" quarterback is a pretty good guy, he's a little bit older and that is not good in football.

Hob is yelling at me for sneezing. Just wanted you all to know.

Hope everyone had a good day.


  • At 12:19 AM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    I avoided the news all day.

  • At 8:58 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Why show it again? Easy. To drive home the administration's point that We Are At War. To scare us and to make us more complacent. Basically, to get votes and allow the rich and powerful to maintain their positions despite the controversy surrounding them.

    Alarmist and overly paranoid as that may sound, it's very true.


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