Geek In the Pink

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Some pre-bedtime thoughts

1. Leila asked me to post the 5th-8th lines of page 123 of the book nearest me.

"...way the droplets of water on his skin glistened with rainbow colors in the sunlight. Skin that was pale to the eye and firm to the touch. Beneath it were flat muscles..."--Silver Birch, Blood Moon short story collection, "The Frog Chauffeur."

I tag anyone who has a couple of moments and a book nearby.

2. Coffee is for grown-ups. Roommate and I discussed the coffee drinking phenomenon that has swept through the apartment and I have determined that it's not the caffeine we need, but rather a desire to re-assert ourselves as adults in a profession that doesn't always treat us as such.

3. Teachers run into more bacteria than any other profession. Hazard pay, anyone?

4. I am knocking on wood, but for the most part, my classes make me happy. I enjoy my kids and even if they don't do their homework, they are mostly engaged in class. I hope my seniors maintain their level of "well-behaved"-ness when they come back from shop.

I think that's all. Hope everyone is having a good week.


  • At 6:48 AM , Blogger Mrs. Osgood said...

    Coffee is for grown ups? Damn. I guess I'll have to stop drinking it. It runs through my veins, honey, runs through my veins.


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