Geek In the Pink

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Forget the Ides of March...

...beware the Bags of Spinach!

Sorry, it just makes me chuckle that hysteria going on over this. It's important to know, but it's been in the news cycle for at least 2 days at this point. We get it, throw out the bagged spinach. Wait a while before attempting to eat it again.

In other, more important news, my Star Wars DVDs showed up today. Let us all do a little dance of joy for the me.

My car is also fixed, I just need to go retrieve it from the mechanic. I don't even want to know what it's going to cost me, but I have a feeling I will be a poor, poor woman for awhile.

The weather so far today is lovely, and I am glad we're having one more pleasant spell before we get to the much that is October - November in New England...followed by the white stuff.

Speaking of New England...we were talking about the Puritans before watching The Scarlet Letter and I actually had a kid say "Oh, so they call it New England 'cause people from England founded it?" Crickets, folks, crickets. Even her classmates didn't know what to do with her. I had this girl last year, though, so I shouldn't have been surprised.

Oh yeah, my film class is going to be a pain...I can't get them to follow instructions/stay awake.

Another thing: when I met my sophomores on Wednesday, one of the kids asked if I was Italian because I have very active hands when I talk. I said no, just English and German. Which, I told them, means I can't cook and I'm bent on world domination. Half the class laughed. Go kids. Then I said they'd have to be careful and pay attention during class, because the dry erase markers are slippery and there's no guarantee I won't let one fly. It's like a baseball have to pay attention.

Sorry for the randomness...I'm feeling a little disoriented due to...I don't know what. My brain feels funny. *shrugs*

Hope everyone has a good weekend.


  • At 1:19 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    I totally went out and got a bag of british spinach. Ha! It says "wash before eating." And I will.

    I want to audit one of your classes. They sound fun.

  • At 4:13 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    Maybe your brain feels funny because you're funny. Thanks for the humorous anecdotes. :)


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