Geek In the Pink

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Breaking the Silence

I'm not sure if any of you missed me, but I'm back. I left home Thursday morning and returned late Friday night, with a stop over at the parents' house and work. I cooked lagsagne (which went well) and was blessed with my father as wake-up-call at 5:50 in the morning. Ug.

Anyway, to update on the meeting: it went all right. I mean, the woman who met with my mentor and I was helpful in at least telling me where I went wrong. As my mentor pointed out, however, none of that was really explicitly stated in the handbook/rubric, nor was the information intimated at any seminar I attended. So, pardon my french, but how the FUCK was I supposed to know all this stuff? Back to square one, which is a shakey and unpleasant place to be.

I did get some pats on the back at the district-wide PD day we had yesterday, however. Several women who had been in my "BEST group" came up to me and asked how I did. Come to find out, a large percentage of people in my district only got 2's...which is the lowest passing score. And people who shouldn't have failed, did. So either my district hires all the nimrods (which it could very well be) or the scoring was skewed this year. Let's hope it's the latter.

On the plus side, there were a couple of really good looking guys in my breakout group yesterday. And since I was "group manager," I had to look at them often to re-affirm their words. So it didn't totally suck to be me.

Mom, Gram and I are going to see The Pirates of Penzance this afternoon. I should probably finish my laundry and go to the gym before then, however. I've been eating excessively the last week because my grandparents get REALLY good food from Mom.

Hope everyone enjoys their long weekend (if they are so blessed).


  • At 7:24 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Yay! For being "graded on a curve" and for hot guys also.

    I will bake cookies in your honor maybe.

  • At 11:35 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Of course I missed you but I am used to not hear from you much any more so I figured you were all right.


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