Geek In the Pink

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Gym books, bad days, and memes

1. I finished Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross today at the gym and I would highly recommend it to anyone who's got a thing for revisionist history. Or, rather, getting back to the original history. Essentially, there is a theory in some historical communities that between Popes Leo IV and Benedict, a woman named Joan ruled the Catholic church, under the name "John Anglicus." Obviously fictionalized, there are some parts that are predictable, but very much a girl-power kind of book.

2. My roommate had to deal with my mental breakdown on Tuesday, as I was ready to throw in the towel at work. Not because of the kids, but I felt both patronized (as in talked down to, not visited) and also ignored. All of this had to do with my *expletive deleted* portfolio. Roommate was nice and brought me a goodie bag of things I shouldn't be eating but, due to PMS, don't care.

3. MEME (I-Tunes Eight Ball) NB: For the love of g-d, what do these mean?

1. How does the world see me?
"Rubbed Out"--Duncan Sheik (Yikes!)

2.Will I have a happy life?
"The Norweigan Ridgeback and A Change of Season"--Harry Potter, SS (So, they're going to take away what I love, and then it'll snow. Crap)

3. What do my friends really think of me?
"My Humps"--Blackeyed Peas (I'm a slut; thanks guys)

4. Do people secretly lust after me?
"The Throne Room [End Titles]"--Star Wars, ANH (Um...yes?)

5. How can I make myself happy?
"Star People"--George Michael (That doesn't even make sense)

6. What should I do with my life?
"The Seduction of Princess Leia"--Star Wars, SotE (I should write bad novels connected to successful movies?)

7. Will I ever have children?
"All the Love a Heart Can Hold"--Sherrie Austin (So, yes then?)

8. What is some good advice for me?
"Back Where I Come From"--Kenney Chesney (Go home. Got it).

9. How will I be remembered?
"God Am"--Alice In Chains (giggle)

10. What is my signature dancing song?
"Back to You"--Matthew Sweet (Not really a heavy beat there)

11. What do I think my current theme song is?
"The Hop-Clop Goes On"--The Producers (snort)

12. What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
"One Kiss"--John Hiatt (Wow, that's funny...if you've got time for a long story)

13. What song will play at my funeral?
"Without Your Love"--SheDaisey (Quite possibly the only one that makes sense)

14. What type of men/women do I like?
"Underground Passage"--Witch Hunter Robin ( nothing)

15. What is my day going to be like?
"The Sith Spacecraft and the Battle"--Star Wars, TPM (that doesn't bode well)


  • At 9:10 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...


    I'm sorry that there's so much crap still going on involving your portfolio.


  • At 9:56 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Someone at work saved a "Dear Abby" for me that was about nurses eating their young.

    Trust me, I know what you're going through, except for the fact that you actually like your job (I did, too, but only sometimes).

    Good luck. You're a wonderful woman, regardless of what those bishes say.


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