Geek In the Pink

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


...someone was awfully thoughtful and sent me some stuff from However, this person failed to identify his or herself in the greeting card. And also, since it is over a month before my birthday, I am wondering if this person has any further "opening instructions" for me.

I actually slept last night until 5 AM, which is almost when I wake up. Considering I took a TylenolPM and drank some bedtime tea, I should hope so. Let's see if we can go for a two-fer.

Work does not fundamentally suck, although since I'll be starting my portfolio next Monday, stress levels are rising and I am very prone to panic attacks at the moment.

Happy Samhain everybody!


  • At 9:32 PM , Blogger Anathema said...

    First, hi amanda! Have you read the new short story collection? How is it? let me know, have not yet bought it...

    Second...caffeine does the opposite for me...sends me INTO panic attack world. Go figure. I'm all about sleepy time hot chocolate, hot shower, good book, kitty, and dim lighting.


    on the other hand i could probably just tell you this as you are in the next room.

    clearly, i'm not running with all cylinders here...

    i should sign off before i get more inane...

  • At 3:47 AM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    You can get things through from someone or some place and not know who sent it? Intriguing.

    But it was definitely sent for your birthday? If so, then kudos to early birthday presents. :)

    And if there are no opening instructions then uh... I don't know. Open it whenever? If there were supposed to be opening instructions, then they should've included them. If they somehow forgot, then I think they will share them with you. Or at least they should.

    One last question for you: do you know for certain that it was from someone who reads this journal? I ascertain that not everyone you know reads it. Perhaps it's from someone outside of this realm?

    Anyway, I hope you're still sleeping well and that work continues to not fundamentally suck.

    Good luck with everyone else, Lady.

  • At 3:54 AM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    But coffee is a stimulant and panic is an aroused state, so it seems contradictory to me how coffee could help calm someone down or moderate the onset of panic attacks. I say we ask a third party.

    At least some teas have caffeine, so you and that geek in the pink may want to be careful of that if you're trying to sleep earlier and more soundly.

    And in case I sound like a total jerk due to my discordance with a couple of things with what the one known as Amanda said, it's very natural, but please do try hard not to woryr too much about where your life is now or where it's headed. Take one thing at a time. And if things change, it'll be okay. Things change all the time as that's the one constant in life, so just adjust if you have to. But, again, you'll be fine as you are obviously surrounded by people who love/like and care about you a lot because you're very cool and smart amongst many other things I won't mention now as you may be reading this in the morning and you need to stop and get to work!

    Or maybe I should just stop writing, eh?


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