Geek In the Pink

Monday, November 06, 2006

The End

I just finished reading The End, book 13 in A Series of Unfortunate Events. Damn you, Lemony Snicket, and your ever-expanding mystery! Actually, the book was pretty good, with some rather amusing bits along the way. If you're ever bored and have a little bit of time, you should try to read through these books.

"Perhaps one night, when you were very small, someone tucked you into bed and read you a story called The Little Engine That Could, and if so then you have my profound sympathies, as it is one of the most tedious stories on Earth."--p. 235

"...they found spices that they did not associate wth anything, such as marjoram, which everyone owns but scarcely anyone uses, and powdered lemon peel, which should only be used in emergencies, such as when fresh lemons have become extinct."--p. 268-9


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