Geek In the Pink

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Dinner and a Movie

(also known as "Lady had a date and saw PotC: Dead Man's Chest")

So, after returning to my parents' house at 7:30 on Friday night, I met up with my roommate and her boyfriend for Margarita Friday, bringing with me absolutely nothing smuggled across the border from Canada. There I swam and made with the merry with the physics geeks...

...and got asked out on a date.

I got a total of 4.5 hours of sleep between 5:30AM and 3:30PM on Saturday. This is partially my own fault, as I danced my little heart out 'til 4:30 AM...and also Hob's fault for waking me up at 8AM because...well, no discernible reason has yet to be discovered. The cat is not dead, but it came rather close at one point.

Oh, did I mention how I'm a moron and left my camera at the party, so I can't post pictures of my trip to Canada...or the party for that matter? Yeah, my bad. Probably tomorrow or Tuesday.

So yes, I went out last night. I had a very good time, I believe he had a good time and while I have his phone number, I'm not going to call him because that would be weird. He can call me. :)

As for the movie, I was not as impressed with it as I was the first one. The story was kind of jumbled, but some of the fight scenes were FANTASTIC. Not as many catchy one-liners either, but they carried some things over from the first movie, which was cool. Still, a good time was had by all.

All right, off to do laundry. Yee. Haw.


  • At 2:38 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Ask Ninja sucks.

    Glad you had fun, lady! Keep us posted on further developments. I want to know more about this guy ;)

  • At 7:13 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Yes, wait but if he does call you, don't make him have to plan all the dates and make all the phone calls because I personally hate it when women do that to me and I want to move on to someone else and you know how rare it is in my cae that there is someone else to move on to!

  • At 10:50 AM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    I'm not a TOTAL putz and I'm not that passive that I'll let a guy plan everything. But he needs to call me back/contact me in some way so I know we're a-go for the next phase. Whatever that is.

  • At 1:15 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    I didn't mean to suggest you were a total putz. I've just had it happen to me way to often to not urge women to stop it whenever the subject comes up. I whole-heartedly agree with you to wait until he expresses interest in seeing you again first.

  • At 2:31 PM , Blogger Kelly said...


  • At 3:50 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Yes, yes, I am. ::Slaps hand:: Bad me!!


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