Geek In the Pink

Monday, July 31, 2006

You go girls!

The women of PA have taken matters into their own hands when it comes to the clergy in their Catholic Church:

Women to be Ordained as Priests

This is very exciting for me, even if I'm not Catholic anymore. As you all know, one of the many reasons I jumped ship was the way women were demonized and made inferior in the Catholic Church. I'm sorry, I can get that in the real world, God should view me as an equal to man. As the nun on CNN just pointed out, Mary Magdalane was the first to witness the resurrection, a Samaritan woman was the first evangelist...Clearly, Jesus didn't have a problem with women.

Of course, this goes back to the REALLY early days of the Church as the clergy tried to suppress the idea of the Earth Mother and they figured if they didn't give women any real power, people would forget that She ever existed.

Preach on, sisters, preach on.


  • At 10:33 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    I think it's interesting to note that Mary Magdalene was quickly labeled a whore in order to get her out of the limelight. Also, though many complained, a woman was elected recently as head of the Episcopal church so it's really only Catholics and probably Orthodox Christians that don't allow women to be priests/ministers.

  • At 11:50 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Damn skippy. Women have just as much right as men to deal the opiate of the masses ;)


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