Geek In the Pink

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Movie Reviews (and assorted drama)

Underworld: Evolution--Obviously a lot grittier and bloodier than the first movie, I thought it was pretty good. Scott Speedman walked around without his shirt on...a lot. Roommate and I both commented on how smart he was for removing it before he turned into his hybrid were-pire, because he did only have the one top to wear. There was more cursing in this movie than in the first one, which I can't account for. And the third brother still that. All-in-all, however, if you liked the first one, you ought to see the second.

Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang--OMGROTFLMAO! Besides seeing Robert Downey, Jr and Val Kilmer kiss (hawt!), this movie was VERY funny. RDJ's character, as narrator, is absolutely delightful. VK's "Gay Perry" is a hoot. The whole story has a Clue-vibe to it (so says the Roommate), and my head did hurt for quite a while trying to piece all of the bits together, but I was not disappointed at all. If you need a laugh and some boy-on-boy action, watch this movie. I leave you with a quote from both Harry (RDJ) and Perry (VK) to whet the appetite:

Harry: [narrating] I tell him about destiny; he's shaking his head. About dreamgirls; he doesn't care. I mention the underwear thing? He has a *fucking conniption*. And you? How 'bout it, filmgoer? Have you solved the case of the - the dead people in L.A.? Times Square audiences, please don't shout at the screen, and stop picking at that, it'll just get worse.

Perry: Did you dad love you?
Harry: Only when I dressed up like a beer bottle, how about you?
Perry: Well, he used to beat me in morse code, so it's possible, but he never said the words.

And now I'm a bad narrator, because I promised you "assorted drama" in the title of my post and nearly left you without it.

There should be a special place to round-up and confine all the assholes who make women feel like we are less than what we are. This place should be very cramped, the water and food supply should be limited, and at least three or four "confused" men named Bubba should be on guard. It's easier to see these things (Well, in the sense that you can spot them, not that it's better to deal with) when a friend is involved, but we have all been there. It's a mantra, I suppose, one that should be put on T-shirts and sold at HotTopic or Charlotte Russe:

If He Makes You Feel Like Shit, That's What He Is.


  • At 10:46 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    *standing ovation for end quote*

  • At 9:59 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    So you didn't like the "adult language" in Underworld: Evolution? I don't even remember the third brother...

  • At 10:39 PM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    Yeah, Alexander had three sons: the two who turned immortal and the one who didn't. Michael was from that third bloodline. But no one really talked about it in this movie.

    As for the language, it just really stood out, that's all. I don't need that much cursing in my sci-fi/fantasy movies.

  • At 8:51 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    There would be a normal brother, wouldn't there... I suppose that could be dealt with in the next film but... Yes, there were a few places where they could have toned down the language.


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