Geek In the Pink

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My coffee habit (and other musings since Thursday)

1. Where did this coffee habit of mine actually come from? Shall I blame it on Sar & Kel from our first sojourn in San Antonio? Is it connected to holidays at my parents and drinking with them in the morning? Have I substituted coffee for booze? It is a strange thing, considering I now brew myself a cup every morning.

2. Cleaning sucks. If I ever have money, I will hire someone to clean my house for me. Vaccuming/dusting makes me sneeze, disinfecting the bathroom is just gross and doing dishes is unbelievably tedious.

3. I went to the flea market with my mother on Sunday and picked up two books. One is a collection of Norse myths, published in the 1920's, and illustrated! $8, not bad. The other, however, is the find of the year: a 1979 Star Wars reading comprehension book. The kids were supposed to read short passages and then answer questions on things like author's purpose, character, that sort of thing. Highly entertaining. And only $5, so bonus.

4. I have started saying "Bonus" at the end of things. I do not know where this has come from, and I'm not sure how I feel about it.

5. I went to the gym yesterday, but probably will not go today, unless I go after I eat with my parents. Still, considering most of my day will be spent on the dreaded #2, I will probably have burned many calories. I've been putting things back where they belong all morning and am not nearly done.

(Sub set to nothing: My roommate just walked into the living room and said "Everything going into my purse is black." Please discuss.)

6. I need to go through my closet soon and determine what I truly might wear to work this year and what is least likely to see the light of day. Must also determine what I need (ie: pants, tops, colors, etc). I am a big fan of this falls' colors, however: slate blues, grays, muted happy that the neons have finally gone away. Why is it that the summer colors are NEVER flattering on me?

7. I am still feeling very emo about my life. Other people's problems (the petty ones or ones that I deem easily fix-able) are pissing me off; the slightest variation from normal makes me twitchy. So if I snap at you in the near future, it probably isn't your fault. But as of this moment I'm wondering if I might want to push my "give-up" age to thirty instead of thirty-five. Sar knows what I'm talking about.

8. Everyone said good wishes to my brother and his gf, as they are really in love with a house that they've found but are finding themselves a tad short on funds. Here's to scraping together money!

9. My friend Katie (the one who got married last year) called me yesterday. It was this call that prompted much of number 7, as I realized I have absolutely nothing to talk about when I'm not at work. It's not like I don't have hobbies, but they aren't really that interesting to other people. Or maybe she and I have finally just gone our separate ways. Which is truly sad, as she was my best friend for so long.

10. I need goddess time. Here's to happy thoughts for October.


  • At 10:43 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    You hate number 3 but I hate doing number 3 AND 6...I hate it when friendships die or just change...

  • At 12:09 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Caffeine is more addictive than nicotine, and I know this from both literature and experience... good luck ;)

    Regarding the rest of it, dinnae worry. You need goddess time, yes, I think we all do. We'll need to do something about this lack in the near future.

  • At 1:46 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    1. What'd you think of San Antonio? I've been there before.

    3. Ooooh...

    4. Perhaps it's a KJK thing to say, "Bonus." But it's not a bad thing. Bonuses are nice.

    6. I've never really been a fan of neon-colored clothing. It's one reason why I almost never shop at Old Navy.

    8. Good wishes to your brother and his girlfriend!

    9. I won't speak for others, but I still find you interesting. Also, I'm always interested in KJ's Tales from Teaching High School, but I think you once told me that you don't like talking about that stuff outside of people who aren't teachers. :P

    Part of it is my fault, though, I just like learning about other people's lives/professions.

    Also, life is such that things change. People and relationships change, too, but they don't have to. Regardless, change is the only constant in life, so mull over a loss a little bit and accept it. Think of the serenity prayer.

    10. Have fun with your goddess time! And goodness, I don't want to think about October yet. :P


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