Geek In the Pink

Thursday, February 08, 2007

5 days worth of stuff

The zipper on my winter coat busted this weekend, just before the cold snap hit. As you can imagine, I was not particularly pleased with this turn of events. Roommate at least got the thing unstuck, but I've been wearing my coat tied instead of zippered until this weekend, when my mom and I go shopping and she buys me a new coat. ;)

I have been having these UNBELIEVABLE dairy cravings lately. Milk, yogurt, cheese...that is what I want more than anything in the world. Very, very strange. It started when I went grocery shopping last week: I bought yogurt and regular milk instead of skim milk. When I go out to dinner, lately, I make sure I get something with cheese. I'm taking my vitamins, so I don't think I'm lacking for anything. Just weird.

Haves tarted to (re)read the Aeneid, in an attempt to write a better story (see livejournal). Haven't gotten too terribly far, but I had forgotten how...mopey Aeneas was. Also, Juno = bitch. My gym book, at the moment, is Zorro, a birthday present from Ms. Sarah. It's a little weird, but cool, as one might expect from Allende.

Cleo made a return trip to the old homestead this weekend for the Super Bowl. She didn't leave the guest bedroom, but Jack's food and litter box were there, so she didn't really have to. The two seemed to get along rather well, after the initial growling and hissing phase was completed. Brother's g.f. and I even caught them staring at each other on the bed at one point. Not hostile staring, more like sizing up.

I have a four-day-weekend this weekend, in lieu of a real February vacation. I'm totally ready for it, as I had to DRAG my ass out of bed when the alarm went off this morning. And since I'm posting this, I'll be rushing around like a mad women in about two minutes, but I'm not just about work today. Also, feeling insecure around my colleagues lately. Trying to determine why; re-examining my professionalism, I suppose...hoping I still have a job...blah blah blah.

Okay, must leave now.

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  • At 11:38 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    colleagues suck, to hell with them all.

    Oh, and yeah, I've gained like 3 lbs in a week because I've sunken into a lugubrious state of being and am eating everything in sight. So don't feel too bad about the dairy.

  • At 2:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Aeneas is a mope. Also a big pain in the ass.

    Personally, I'd read through the Aeneid to get a basic timeline, and then cut loose from there. Go look at pictures of places they landed and read about the places they landed and try to imagine your Breseis chillin' there. Ideas will leap forth, and all will be happy and well. Well, maybe not for your characters, what with the rampaging death and all, but definitely for you. :)


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