Geek In the Pink

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Time travel, dhamphir and elves

So, I watched Kate and Leopold yesterday. It was a rather cute movie, especially since I got to stare at Hugh Jackman in period attire for an hour and a half. Brought up a kind of gross complication towards the end, but it's really best not to think about it long term, 'else your head will explode. A nice way to spend some time in an afternoon.

Also, I just finished reading Traitor to the Blood, the fourth book in the Noble Dead series by Barb and J.C. Hendee. I'm more invested in the story than the actual books, if that makes sense. The writing isn't oh-my-gosh-wow, and you sometimes wonder if things are repeated because one of the authors left off and another picked up the pieces. Still, half-vampire, half-elves and fay dogs are pretty cool to read about. So we continue to read to discover cool bits about their characters, even if the writing is somewhat lacking.

On a less cheery note, my desktop computer is currently acting profoundly stupid, including but not limited to the Blue Screen of Death and also my current lack of sound. Therefore, I might be incommunicado for a while as I get this thing repaired and wait for my laptop to arrive (hopefully Tuesday).

Hope all had a nice weekend.

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  • At 9:47 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    I enjoyed Kate and Leopold as well. My favorite line in the film is "You light up a room just by leaving it."

  • At 8:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Sarie: Yay, Lost! Last season was not so hot, in my ever so humble opinion, but this one is definitely looking up.

    Karen: I would like to point out that the 'Computer Malfunctions' tag made me snort my Diet Coke and splutter on the keyboard.

  • At 12:59 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Everything I look at lately is about time travel! Here I am, obsessed with Dr Who, and every time I try to have a breather from the fandom, something ties into it and gives me plot bunnies.

    Anyway, sorry your computer is screwed, izzat why you haven't been on AIM?


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