Geek In the Pink

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Blame my brother! (and other stuff)

So, when I was home Monday and Tuesday, my mother and I were discussing my compulsive need to help and please people, sacrificing my own happiness. This was part of a larger discussion I had with my roommate about where "issues" come from. Roommate was sure this was a "family" issue in some way, but as my parents have never been anything but supportive, I couldn't figure out how.

And then my mother said "It's your brother's fault." And suddenly everything made sense.

See, when Brother was little, he was a pain in the ass. My parents had a helluva time dealing with him. Mom's theory is that I saw how angry or upset they would be and I would try to please them (good grades, cleaning my room, whatever) so that they would be happy again. Even though they weren't angry with me, I saw a way to change their moods and attempted to do so.

Let us all have a lightbulb moment at my expense.

In other news, I go back to work officially tomorrow. I am going in later today, however, to do some more work on curriculum planning because...well, yes. I have classes to teach starting next Thursday and I need to find a way to keep kids occupied for 52 minutes at a clip. In one case, it's 104 minutes, but that's okay, because I'm going to invade the library. On the first day of school...that's right. :) Seniors need to do resumes, why not start right away?

Also, happier news (except for my credit card) but I've pre-ordered my copy of the original Star Wars trilogy. Of course, I'm ending up with ANOTHER copy of the Uber Special Editions as well, but whatever. This will make 5 total copies of the Star Wars trilogy. Does anyone who reads this have me beat? Anyway, if you're going to order yourself the movies (and you should because they're only available until the end of the year), I recommend going to because they are bundling the movies together and taking some money off the price. Otherwise you'll have to buy each 2-disc set separately and OMGWOAH expensive.

Related, it looks like Harrison Ford actually wants to do Indie IV and even though, according to Lucas, it's going to be a Phantom Menace situation with the fans (not being able to please after so much time, blah blah blah), the Three Amigos are eager to get going. [All this information courtesty of the Illegal-Sized Paper Production.]

Okay, off to eat breakfast before I go into work.


  • At 1:52 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    5 copies? Wow! What versions do you have? I think we had this conversation before, but I don't remember you counting 4.

    As for me, I will have the following:

    1. Special Edition VHS
    2. The Special Edition DVD box set
    3. The original trilogy DVDs.
    (4. If you count the Special Edition DVDs that come with the original versions of the film.)


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