Geek In the Pink

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Slightly less weird...sort of...

Okay, so the dream starts out in this big crowd scene at the back of a hotel, near the pool. There is a man of some importance in the middle of the crowd, surrounded by his body guards. People keep asking him how he's feeling, to which he responds "fine." Then, all of a sudden, we can see inside the guy's head, and he thinks everyone is a chicken. He bolts, and now I'm part of the crowd, part of the dream...and I'm with this other woman. We run to follow the guy, who everyone thinks has lost it. We follow him through this little glass structure and back out to the pool, where I find him walking on water. I say something to the girl about this, how I'm surprised, and she looks at me like I'm a moron, "Well, of course he can walk on water." The crowd is still there, but the guy seems to have stopped freaking out, water walking not withstanding.

But now I'm some sort of hostage, or...I don't know, because the body guard guys and the woman drag me over there and Water Walker is freaking out again...more like he's worried he'll be discovered or something. The woman, WW and myself are now standing at the side of the pool, and he has us cross our arms in front of ourselves and touch palms with each other. Then, as a group, we slowly make our way off the edge of the pool and step into the water.

So I'm in the water, but I'm not freaking out. And I don't feel the water, so much, but it feels more like being surrounded in blankets. Then my mother is there, and even though she's above the water, I can understand her perfectly. She's telling me it's okay to come out of the water, that they are gone, and that they left some purple writing behind in an ancient language that Einstein wrote in. So I open my eyes and on the bottom of the pool is written Abess, which, in dream world, was an ancient form of the word abyss. So I get out of the water and am sitting pool side on the concrete near my mother, WW guy, and a third person. WW is reading a newspaper, seemingly disinterested in what's going on. I felt something soft on my face, I thought it was a socked foot, so I turned...

Opening my eyes to discover it was Hob's paw. Now I was awake.

Some other dream involved me washing my hair and being worried about how it felt, but I can't remember much of that one.

(This week of entries brought to you by the letters P, M and S.)


  • At 11:37 AM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...


    That was the funniest dream I've been told about.

    I think WW might've been a metaphor for the Je-Man (aka Jesus, El Savior, Christ).

    I think your dream further illustrates that while dreams can serve the purpose of letting things out, I think they can also represent what's been going on around you, and, as evidenced by Hob's foot, what is currently going on around you.

    Speaking about that, I have my own anecdote. I've noticed that when I kick or jump in a dream, that I can feel myself kick or jump in my bed.

    Also, did you know that pigeons drream? I doubt that whatever they dream about has to do with just getting rid of thoughts, but who knows what they really dream about.

    One theory is that dreams, in addition to what we've both talked about, is that dreams are for processing information.

    I've had to write this message twice as it didn't post at home and then I've been rewriting it at work over a couple of hours, so I apologize if it's kind of rambly.

  • At 3:26 PM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    Well, I know part of the whole savior thing came from watching The 4400 on Sunday, but still...


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