Geek In the Pink

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Weird Dream Factory

Okay, this dream was a little graphic, so I'm going to try to skim over or euphemize those parts.

I was at Margarita Friday, but most of the usual crowd wasn't there. Roommate and I went, but not her boyfriend. We were waiting for this other guy to show up. When he did, he looked like the actor who played Henry on Dawson's Creek. Anyway. So apparently he was supposed to be there for me, but he and the roomie hit it off and end up locking themselves in her bedroom for quite some time.

Now I'm alone in this place which isn't-yet-is mine and the phone rings and it's some guy calling wanting to talk about my certification. But he never identifies himself as being from the State. He asked me a bunch of weird questions that I couldn't answer (kind of like brain teasers). So we set up a call back for an interview, and then "Henry" (for lack fo a better term) finally comes out of Roommate's room and I pounce him (yeah, in that way.) So we're about to get down to it (but he's really tiny...weird) and then we stop because I want to know why he left me for my roommate earlier. He then brings out all these books on Greek women. There are other people back in the house/apartment now. Only when he comes back with the books...I think he's a woman at this point.

Then I woke up.


  • At 11:39 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Um... lulz?

    Sorry, I really just read this and started laughing. I still am a little. But you know I love you so it's ok, right? ;)

  • At 8:34 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    How tiny is tiny? I mean, was it so tiny that it just wasn't possible? If so, what was Roommate and Mr. Bearing-a-Resemblance-to-Henry-on-Dawson's-Creek doing for so long?

    Also, may I suggest you start writing your dreams down as soon as you wake up? That'll not only help you remember them better, but it'll also lead to lucid dreaming.

  • At 9:09 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Maybe it shrank or Roommate is just that good...


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