Geek In the Pink

Monday, August 14, 2006

Difficulty Sleeping and Weird-Ass Dreams

As a by-product of my current emo state, I am having a hard time sleeping. More specifically, it is why I can't fall asleep at night. (The cats are the reason *coughHobcough* that I am awake at various hours.) Anyway, this is getting really annoying. I'm not eating late at night, or drinking coffee/caffeine or anything like that. Just...can't sleep.

Okay, had two dreams last night that I believe were connected but can't remember the transition between them:

1. At work, and it's the first day of school. My classroom was more like the classrooms from the middle school I went to, but it was still my place of employment. The phone was in a really weird place, I had a LOT of kids (way over 30) and this one who wouldn't sit in his seat...he preferred the floor. Somehow I convinced him his life and mine would be better with his ass in the seat, so that's what he did. (That would never happen in real life). My department head walked in to see how things were going. That's about it.

Okay, now this dream is mostly related to the fact that I was watching The Ron Clark Story on TNT last night. Typical "new teacher changes the students" kind of thing. It made me realize I'm not a very noble teacher; I wouldn't go teach in the inner city and I don't think my job is to save the world. Oh well.

2. For this second dream, I think I was out at my aunt's house in California. We were looking at all the women in her neighborhood, I assume making snippy comments about their inabilitites to eat and whatnot. I turned my head and saw one of the girls I went to high school with...the one who changed her first name. She was with this older man, old enough to be our father, and two very little kids. I told my aunt that I knew the woman and gave her the background. Come to find out they might be moving again, but that the husband used to beat my classmate and had often been too rough with the son (the oldest of the two babies).

No idea where that came from.

Anyway, despite precautions my ankle hurts like a mo-fo this morning after my 45 minutes on the treadmill yesterday, so I am unfortunately going to have to forgo exercise today and instead hopefully get the CD player fixed in my car. Again.


  • At 12:01 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Sorry, I got nothin.

    *offers celery stick of shared misery*

  • At 7:50 AM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    Exercise gets me out of the apartment, which has been the source of some of my depression, and allows me to vent anger I might otherwise spew onto others.

    So really, it's a relationship preservation thing.

    Plus, I don't like whining about being overweight when I KNOW there's something I can do about it.


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