Geek In the Pink

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

It's Ba-ack!

Yeah, so I've been up since 4:15 this morning, tossing, turning and staring at the clock. At 4:50 I gave up and came out to the kitchen to have a cup of coffee and play around with my laptop. It's running a little slower than I'd like, but I have a feeling that's because there's just too much shit running at start up that doesn't need to be. Of course, I can't delineate between "necessary to functioning" and "superfluous shit installed by Toshiba," so I'm going to need to find me a computer expert.

For now, I'm just glad to be back online. I still haven't heard from the computer repair store about my desktop, but hopefully they'll call me in the next day or so with an estimate. I still, for the life of me, cannot figure out what happened to the bugger. I'm very good about virus and spy-ware checking, so I doubt it's anything like that. 'Course, the thing hadn't been vacuumed in Lord knows how long, but that doesn't explain the far too frequent Blue Screen of Death.

Oh yes. Because I'm using the laptop, I need everyone who has a blogger account to email me the address that goes along with it, as I cannot remember them. LJ people need not worry, as LJ is smart enough to know who my friends are. :)

Not much else to report in my life. I'm currently reading Son of a Witch, the sequel to Wicked, and am not quite sure how I feel about it. 'Course, if I had read the first book, that might help, but I did see the musical and I feel that ought to count for something.

My seniors come back today, so hopefully I'll have some writing for you all by the end of next week. I've been slacking on it again lately. Bad Lady, no donut.

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  • At 8:03 AM , Blogger Mrs. Osgood said...

    Done! I just emailed my Cacklin' blog address to you.

  • At 11:12 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    The book and the movie are two totally different stories. You can hardly recognize that they're supposed to be the same. And I hated the book, honestly.

    Anyway, nice to hear from you :)

  • At 3:35 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    Perhaps I can help with your computer like I helped you before?

  • At 9:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I liked the first part of Wicked (the book), but I ended up losing interest about halfway through.


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