Geek In the Pink

Monday, January 30, 2006

Bomb Threats and B-Movies

Yup, we had a bomb threat at school today. Had to evacuate the building, stand outside and freeze. Oh it was a blast. No pun intended. Turned out there wasn't actually a bomb in the building but...well, the kids'll certainly be talking about it tomorrow.

Talked to a crazy mother today. Always a pleasure. She had three children, you know; she can't possibly be expected to call 15 teachers. But I'm expected to call 120 parents? WTF?

This weekend I watched Shark Tale and Boogie Nights. Let me tell you, neither is really one to write home about, and I don't think you'll have missed anything if you don't see them.

Was going to go to the gym today. And then didn't. Bad Lady, No Donut.

I am about halfway through Memoirs of a Geisha and the story is FINALLY starting to pick up. The first third really bored me because it seemed so...predictable. Of course she's going to be maltreated as a household servant; what else could possibly happen? But now that's really getting out there in Gion, it's becoming more interesting.

Off to nurse a headache.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Nothing of Substance

Okay, first, I just re-watched The X-Files: Fight the Future after paying $4.50 for it on OMG, I forgot how much I loved this movie! I want to go back and re-watch Seasons 5-8(?) of the show now, and possibly the last season, because I can't remember what happened.

Glad it is the weekend. Going to get my car emmitted tomorrow (boo) but going out for lunch and then having dinner with my mother (yay!)

Here, a meme:

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
usually confident face. "Shame! What shame? You your-

2.Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. Where are your fingers?
Almost perpendicular to my shoulder

3. what is the last thing you watched on TV?
"30 Minute Meals"

4. Without looking guess what time it is.
6:45 PM

5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time.
6:48. Yay, I'm good!

6. Besides the computer, what else can you hear?
Food Network commercials

7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
About 2 hours ago. To get the mail

8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
Jedi-Owl's LJ

9.What are you wearing?
Jeans, white socks, a blue turtleneck sweater, a watch, my class ring, and a gold celtic band ring

10.Did you dream last night?
Probably. The better question is, do I remember?

11. When did you last laugh?
While watching FtF

12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
A 4x3 grid of pictures my roommate took

13. Seen anything weird lately?
I was at yes.

14. What do you think of this quiz?
It's kind of fun

15. What is the last film you saw?
In the theatre? "The Producers." I think.

16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
I'd pay off my loans, pay off my parents loans, buy myself a new car and a new house. Maybe more than one house.

17. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?

18. Do you like to dance?

19. George W. Bush
I didn't vote for him either time.

20. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?

21. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
Possibly after his father. Maybe Lucas. Or Derek.

22. Would you ever consider living abroad?
I'd consider it, definitely, but I couldn't go alone.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

*headdesk* Thank you, students.

I know that I am on intimate terms with the characters in the movie Troy, and that I was a pretty diligent student (wait for the connection), but is there ANY reason to leave blanks in paragraphs because you can't remember characters names, when I GAVE YOU A PIECE OF PAPER WITH THE LIST ON IT.

I'm trying to correct an "edited" paper for a student (turning it in, fixed, for a higher grade) and she's left blanks where character names should be because...well, I don't know why. This is so...gah!

Also, I gave my freshmen an opportunity today to fix their atrocious Romeo and Juliet quizzes. Most of the kids took the opportunity. There are a few students, however, who didn't change ANYTHING, even though they had assistance from their classmates. Oh, and one kid actually got a LOWER grade because he decided to try to answer a different question than the one he had originally chosen.

What is WRONG with my students??????


I've dreamt about my ex twice in a 7-day period. My mother dreamt about him one night too.


Monday, January 23, 2006

A Feast for Crows by George R.R. Martin

Wow, it is amazing what hours of lying in bed sick, followed by a snow day, will do for your chances of finishing a book...all 600+ pages of it.

Let us begin with the unfortunate fact that, when last I had read Martin's saga, it was probably two years ago. It is a very difficult thing to remember that many characters and their story lines. I found myself constantly mis-remembering things, only to (thankfully) have them later corrected by the author. And, of course, let's not forget that he only told half of the characters' stories. Oy.

That being said, the first part of the book was the hardest, as I tried to remember just who the bloody hell everyone was. Jaime I remembered, and Ceresi...Jon Snow, of course...but that was about it. Pieces fell into place, however, and as I became reacquainted, I came to the following conclusions:

Ceresi is a bitch and I hope she gets what is coming to her.

Tommen may grow up to be an acceptable human being, if he can stay alive that long.

Jaime is still creepy, what with the sister-loving and all, but is a person I begin to feel sorry for and actually may like. Since he is a bad guy, what else is there for me to do?

Sweetrobin is a prissy boy and I hope he meets a similar end to his mother.

Littlefinger creeps me out. Sub-thought: I worry about Sansa.

Arya is very resourceful; I hope her ending is not ill.

Samwell...poor Samwell. He tries so hard.

Obviously, since I finished the book in such a short amount of time, I'd have to say I enjoyed it, but that first part...DRAGGED. And I still don't understand what the prologue had to do with anything.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Nothing of consequence

For all you cat lovers out there...

Courtesy of my aunt

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Too funny not to share

Okay, so I told my honors sophomores that, in their final drafts of their Of Mice and Men paper, they could not use the words "I" or "you" unless in a quote. So what does one of my kids do? Replace all the "you's" with "thou's." I just about died laughing.

Am feeling 85-90% normal operating capacity, so that is good. We heart the Tylenol Cold, yes we do. Today I have spent read A Feast for Crows, trying to remember who everybody is and what has happened to them in the previous books, sleeping and am now grading papers (see paragraph 1).

Talked to Geoff today, of all people, and he is doing well, for those of you who know him. His parents and sister are moving to NC, but he's staying in GA to finish his master's and, I imagine, start his ministering.

The weather today was astounding, and I know we will be punished most definitely by the weather gods. Fear them, offer your sacrifices. Keep the winter at bay!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Surprise Sicknesses

So, for the past few weeks, my nose and ears have been clogged, along with a sore throat, but only at the beginning of the week; then it would go away. This week, it didn't, so I thought maybe I had a sinus infection ('cause, really, how would that surprise anyone.) Off I went to the doctor.


Not a full on, can't move case, but as he was listening to my right lung he heard them..."the crackles." So now I'm on Azithromycin and drinking Alka-Selzer cold in an effort to stave of my clogged nose, ears, etc...By all rights, I probably shouldn't even be going to work, but I can't miss time right now. First of all, my wingnut classes are in session, and I can't subject someone else to them. Second of all, I'm trying to Re-do my portfolio, and need to be there because I think I'm going to tape today.

Roommate would like me to put sub plans on my desk tonight, "Just in case," but I think I'll be fine. THINK.

Guess I won't be goin' out this weekend after all.

The Literati
And the Survey Says: 86%

You are one of a select group of intellectuals. You appreciate good literature and you nurture an affinity for elegance. You probably have a library of books waiting on your shelf, so put away the computer and start reading.

Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged
Daniel Keyes - Flowers for Algernon

Link: The Books Are My Friends Test written by whoisjohngalt on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Monday, January 16, 2006

Working MP3 players, and other music related topics

First of all, after months cursing out my MP3 player and the company that produced it, I finally loaded 134 songs onto the blasted thing. Many gym workouts await me, with my very own soundtrack. So yay! Now, if I could only get my CD player to work in my car....

Second, I'd like to discuss Maroon 5. A and I did a bit of retail therapy today, and while driving down to the outlets, we listened to her IPod. I forgot how sexy the music is that Maroon 5 puts out. And I'm not just talking lyrically; the melodies have a very sexy feeling about them, which is really quite lovely.

Third, another song we listened to was Your Love by The Outfield. It's almost the perfect one-night-stand song, although the lyrics lead you to wonder just who the girl is he's singing to. I'm putting my money on close friend; perhaps even a friend of this "Josie" woman in question.

That is all. I don't want to go to work tomorrow.

Hang in There Cat
You scored 58% Catness!
You're cute and you get into cute scrapes. Everybody likes you. You might still be a kitten, or just a kitten at heart. As you get older and more experienced, you'll be more sure of yourself, but you won't be nearly as charming. Sorry.

Link: The What Cat Are You Test written by rorire on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Friday, January 13, 2006

Dear Lord, we are in trouble.

So there I was, thinking I'd be mildly entertaining for my Creative Writing students on Thursday and show them an episode of a TV show to discuss plot movement. Since brother bought me Thundercats on DVD, I thought...well, how bad could this be? At least we'll all chuckle.

They didn't get it.

I'm not talking symbolism, metaphors, theme...I mean plot. They did not understand what was going on in the episode. I nearly wept for their stupidity. How can you be that moronic at 16 or 17 years old? What was your mother smoking while you were in utero that those basic brain cells did not form? And why, for the love of all that is both holy and un, did you end up in MY class!?

That is all.

You scored 62 Giving, 63 Respectful, and 24 Selfish!
You have a lot of potential, but you give to get. You expect, and your expectations are rarely met, if ever. Trouble is, no one will ever meet your expectations. YOU can't even meet your expectaions. You are all over the board. You need consistency! You also need a time out once in a while. How about relaxing for a minute? Soak in the sun. Give a little TLC to yourself, so you can give it-unselfishly-to others. You'll be surprised at your true joy, rather then your disappointment!!!

Link: The How's Your Karma Test written by Mookie1010 on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Monday, January 09, 2006

Babies in Garbage Cans

This is not a difficult law to follow--you give birth to a child. You do not want to the child. You bring the child to a local questions asked.

Why, then, on God's green earth, would you STILL feel the need to drop the child in a garbage can? Ugh, this kind of think pisses me off in ways that probably are not healthy.

Watched Crossing Jordan last night, which I would do more frequently if it wasn't on at 10pm on Sundays. I like the show, but last night's episode had me re-evaluating the "what I want from a man" list. I'm not talking "Mr. Perfect," but rather, watching Jordan and Woody's relationship, I realized that's what I need--entertaining, intellectually stimulating, cute. I don't think this is much to ask, but apparently nigh-on-unattainable.

That is all.

You scored 31 change, 53 wellbeing, 50 wisdom, and 71 truth

Balancing the wrongs of the past and setting them correct. Just as in the laws of karma there is a cause and effect to each and every action that we do. The sword is held high in the right hand to symbolize the action of correcting wrongs and holding the balance of justice, also symbolizes the cutting out of negative thoughts.
Link: The What tarot card resembles you Test written by KamikazeParrot on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

A. and I went to see this movie last night. It was...strange. I mean, my head hurt after seeing it. Everyone in the movie did an AMAZING job: from Michelle Williams who finally got to lose her Dawson's Creek-ness to Anne Hathoway who was a far cry from The Princess Diaries. The actual, er, initiation into the relationship between Jack and Ennis was...odd; I definitely needed more explanation than was given. But the rest of the movie, about these two men trying to live straight, "cowboy" lives in the 60s and 70s was done quite well. I don't recommend this movie, however, to any of my straight, male readers, as I don't think you'll enjoy it.

This movie (like Alexander) did teach me to appreciate slash in a way I had not before.

In other news, we're catsitting and it is not going well. Our cats don't seem to mind over-much, but Loki has taken to hiding under the couch, peeing on things he ought not to, and growling every chance he gets. Really, we're getting a bit sick of it.

I have tons of work today, and I have to remember to leave sub plans for Wednesday as I'm going to professional development that day. Woohoo. Also, must pay rent and other assorted bills this morning.

But first, breakfast. I've put on a lot of weight in the past two weeks and am thoroughly disgusted with myself. Also have a nasty sore throat and do not wish to think about getting sick again so close to the last time I got sick.

A Black Bishop
You scored 2 Power-Finesse, 3 Leader-Follower, 3 Unique-Ordinary, and 1 Offense-Defense!
You are conniving and sneaky, and often overlooked by your opponent. You are content to stay off to one side, allowing the bloodbath to ensue. Then, when the moment is right and the other king has let his guard down you strike! Your indirect approach to things gives your team more options. However, in the big picture you are expendable. No matter how hard you try, you can only reach half the squares on the board.

Link: The What Chess Piece Are You Test written by Gundark27 on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Okay, let's start with this: Shake That by Eminem. The word "ass" is not acceptable in the chorus, but can be used in the phrase "bust yo' ass." What is up with that?

Second, I finished two books recently, and rathter than over load poor Ehren, I thought I'd put them both into one post.

The first book was The Penelopiad: The Myth of Penelope and Odysseus by Margaret Atwood. Anyone who likes mythology should find time to read this book; hell, I'll probably even lend it to you. It's pretty self-explanatory, but here are some quotes:

"And what did I amount to, once the official version gained ground? An edifying legend. A stick used to beat other women with."--Penelope, p. 2

"I wanted happy endings in those days, and happy endings are best achieved by keeping the right doors locked and going to sleep during the rampages."--p. 3

"But he must have misheard, or else the oracle herself misheard--the gods often mumble..."--Penelope, p. 8

"Excessive weeping, I might as well tell you now, is a handicap of the Naiad-born. I spent at least a quarter of my earthly life crying my eyes out. Fortunately in my time there were veils. They were a practical help for disguising red, puffy eyes."--p. 10

(on marriage) "All the rest was just copulation of various kinds--rapes or seductions, love affairs or one-night stands, with gods who said they were sheperds or shepherds who said they were gods. Occassionally a goddess might get mixed up in it too, dabble around in pershiable flesh like a queen playing at milkmaids, but the reward for the man was a shortened life and often a violent death."--p. 23

"Cleverness is a quality a man likes to have in a wife as long as she is some distance from him. Up close, he'll take kindness any day of the week, if there's nothing more alluring to be had."--p. 29

(on Helen) "I suspect she used to flirt with her dog, with her mirror, with her comb, with her bedpost. She needed to keep in practice."--p. 33

"And so I was handed over to Odysseus, like a package of meat. A package of meat in a wrapping of gold, mind you. A sort of gilded blood pudding."--p. 39

"At which point I did more weeping, and was comforted in way that were suitable for a wedding night."--p. 48

"Widows are supposed to be consumed with lust, especially if their husbands have been missing or dead for such a long time, as your was."--Antinous on why the suitors wanted Penelope, p. 102

(on Telemacus's silence)"A mother's life is sacred. Even a badly behaved mother's life is sacred - witness my foul cousin Clytemnestra, adulturess, butcher of her husband, tormenter of her children - and nobody said I was a badly behaved mother."--Penelope, p. 111

"There is indeed something delightful about being able to combine obedience and disobedience in the same act."--p. 117

"It's hard to lose an argument to one's teenaged son. One they're taller than you are, you have only your moral authority: a weak weapon at best."--p. 131

(on the gods and answering prayers) "I think they pull a lot of their pranks because they're bored."--p. 135

(on the gossip) "If my husband had learned of the slanders during our lifetimes, he certainly would have ripped out a few tongues. But there's no sense in brooding over lost opportunities."--p. 145

Okay. Then I read The Penultimate Peril, book 12 of 13 in the Series of Unfortunate Events. Of the series, this one seems to be the weakest...too rushed and not enough answers, or even any engaging questions. I don't know what I'm expecting from a book written for the 8-12 crowd, but usually I want something a little more. There were a few interesting quotes, but I'll spare you those.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Bringing Sloth to a whole new level

Since 10:00 PM (roughly) on Dec. 30, I have not left the apartment. I have watched movies, eaten, had too much to drink, and slept (well, showered, too) but I have not left the apartment.

Today is the last day of my vacation and I really ought to do something that looks like work if I'm to be at all ready for my students tomorrow.


They're predicting snow and ice for us this afternoon clear into tomorrow, so I may get an extra day off, but I'm not holding my breath. I haven't had an extended winter vacation since one year in high school when it decided to snow for 3 days straight to ring in the new year.

Movies I've seen recently include "Quills," "Eurotrip," "The Aviator," "Super Size Me," and "Regarding Henry." All are worth your time but "Quills" is not for the faint of heart and "Eurotrip" is definitely one you need to be in a mood for. "Super Size Me" was VERY enlightening; you'll definitely want to get on the treadmill afterwards.

So now I must go do some work, as well as clean off and move my car so I can return videos.

Here, a quiz:

it's all about me. deal with it.

Who's Your Happy Bunny?
brought to you by Quizilla