Geek In the Pink

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Dude, what chemistry?

This has nothing to do with me, and most of you probably aren't going to care, but I have to rant about this stupid thing they're doing to my beloved CSI characters.


Sara has a thing for Gil, yes. But EVERY interaction between the two has been very familial, father-daughter. I don't see Gil looking at her adoringly. I can think of two instances in the five(?) seasons the show has been on the air where something vaguely sexual was said between the two. One was from Sara, and the other one was two weeks ago from Gil, probably leading up to this "OMG CHEMISTRY!" discussion that is apparently going to happen before the show is out for the summer.

The article actually talked about how it was "What fans were waiting for." It was? How about the return of Brown-Willows sparks? Or Grissom-Willows, 'cause that makes HELLA more sense. Saunders-Sidle? Sparks-Sidle? Saunders-Sparks? C'mon now...ALL of that makes more sense to me than Grissom-Sidle. This is going to turn into a whole Chakotay-Seven thing and I'm just going to be pissed off.

And why, I'm sure you're asking yourself, does this warrant an entire blog entry?

Mostly because I have no life. But I'm pretty good at accpeting other people's 'ships, even if I don't buy into them myself. This one, though...*shakes head* No, I'm sorry, this one is stupid.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

It so rocks to be me

Instead of doing anything fun today, I get to lock myself up some place and work on my portfolio until my eyes bleed and I pass out due to a panic attack. Doesn't anyone want to switch places with me?


Okay, guess not.

Went to the doctor yesterday because I had this strange lump on the outside of my throat. Go me, I might have a thyroid problem. Or a cyst in my thyroid, which would be equally as fun. So I got up at 7:15, fasting (so I could have my cholesterol done too), took a shower and drove to have my blood drawn. Don't you all envy me?

Also, Hob was attacking poor Carrot the Bunny again when I woke up this morning. I don't know why the cat has it out for the guy, but he does.

All right, off to make breakfast and then begin my day of torture. I just wanted everyone to know I was indeed alive.

Monday, April 24, 2006 the saddle again

I should be doing work, or taking out the garbage...but no, I'm not. I finally got access to a website I've been part of for years, but it went down for maintence and that was it for me. So instead I'm perusing said site and posting on much-neglected topics and generally procrastinating.

Does anyone else have a really dry face right now? For some reason, my face is all "feed me, seymor," except, of course, it's thirsty and begging for moisturizer, but you get the idea.

Anyhew, today was the first day back and it didn't go TOO badly. My problem children are still problems, my good kids are still good, and my seniors are still shut off for the year. One of them (seniors) did apparently get started on his final project, though, so that made me kind of happy. I'll have to question him further as to the content, obviously; he was a little vague on the specifics. All I got was, "It's a power point about Isis and Osiris." Not so much with the helpful.

Other positive notes: my "lady doctor" gave me a clean bill of health. He also asked me about my libido, to which I replied "I'm not dating anyone, so I think it's probably good." He laughed. Also, tonight brings us "24" and I am VERY worried about the First Lady as well as Secret Service Man Aaron. Because Aaron is cool. Also, I'm hoping Audrey begins to kick some serious ass, possibly by shooting someone. I still hate Chloe.

I leave you with the following picture:

Sunday, April 23, 2006

I Don't WANT to go to Work Tomorrow!

Tired of all those surveys where you list favorite this, favorite that? Now you get to list off everything you HATE and vent about everything that annoys you or makes you mad.


VEGETABLE: I like most vegetables...artichokes are kinda gross, though. Onions, too.

FRUIT: Pineapple

MEAL: Fish

CANDY: Tootsie Rolls



COLOR: Yellow, as it is used on cars

TOWN/CITY: San Antonio, if only for its drivers.

RESTAURANT: Chili's take-out window...they NEVER get it right


SONG: Did Dave Matthews sing it? Probably that then. ;)

TV SHOW: "American Idol," or any other such reality nonsense

MOVIE: Anything with Tom Hanks trying to be serious.

BAND/GROUP: Dave Matthews Band



ASPECT OF AOL INSTANT MESSENGER: That I can't get my Darth Vader smiley's back.

ANIMAL: Snakes

INSECT: Mosquitoes...but the suckers sure love me

BIRD: Crow

SEASON: Winter

AGE OF KIDS: Depends on how many of 'em you're putting me in a room with

WHAT ANNOYS YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING: People who are disorganized


DRIVING: Anyone who drives 50 miles an hour on Interestate 91 should be shot on sight.

TALKING ON THE PHONE: Only when other drivers are doing it without their hands-free devices

WATCHING TV OR MOVIES: TV...cliffhangers!

EATING IN RESTAURANTS: Uncontrolled children; people who are rude to the waitstaff

GOING THROUGH DRIVE-THRUS: The stupid microphone...or the East Hampton McDonalds

THE MALL: Gaggles of teenagers

SLEEPING (OR TRYING TO SLEEP): Cats attacking me (*coughHobcough*) or noise from above

SHOWERING: low water pressure or no hot water
THE BEACH: People are not controlling their children

THE GROCERY STORE: People are not controlling their children (theme, much?)

A DATE: There's no chemistry. Or the movie sucks.

SITTING IN CLASS: Your classmates ask questions that have already been answered

YOUR JOB: The parents

BEING AROUND KIDS: Their parents not teaching them basic social skills



COOKING OR BAKING: Discovering the recipe left out a step



WHAT HOUSEHOLD CHORE DO YOU HATE?: Vaccuuming (aren't those two the same question)



WHAT IS YOUR WORST HABIT?: I'm gonna go with Emily on this...hyper-judgemental



MOST HATED LINE FROM YOUR PARENTS: "You quit everything when it gets hard."

WORST OR MOST HATED PICKUP LINE: I've never had a particularly bad one used on me. Or any...really...





DUMBEST RULE YOU REMEMBER FROM SCHOOL: No summer skirts before April 1st.




MOST HATED ONLINE EXPRESSION: Any shortening of words to single letters.


WHAT'S ANNOYING YOU TODAY?: That I have to go back to work tomorrow

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Comfort Level

I had my brother and his gf over for dinner tonight. Brother was supposed to bring a friend, but that friend was incomunicado, so it was just the three of us. I got my brother to eat the spinach-artichoke dip, as well as chicken burgers. This was a pretty big deal. His gf was very pleased with everything, which made me feel very cool.

At 6, her phone starts beeping angrily. She says, "Oh, that's me!" and pops out her pill to take (you know the one I'm talking about). I knew she was on them (see early March entry) but the fact that she felt comfortable enough around me to take it was, I must say, pretty cool.

I am, at the moment, attempting to download this week's episode of Veronica Mars for the roommate because I forgot to tape it on Tuesday and then my VCR was being retarded on Wednesday and I only got half the episode. But the place I'm downloading it from is also being retarded. Grr...arg...etc.

That is all. Did no work today. Am going to the Sub Ball tomorrow. Should probably do laundry. Will now watch a CSI rerun. Oh yes, what an exciting life I lead.

You scored as New Democrat. New Democrats emphasize fiscal conservatism, and have a strong preference for the free market. They believe in small-scale programs that provide targetted help to those in need, while working with the business community.

What's Your Political Philosophy?
created with

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Following Two Thoughts Will Not Seem Connected:

1. The movie Proof is very good, especially if you like movies about geniuses. Anthony Hopkins is love, of course, but Gwenyth does a remarkably good job. Also, there is a very interesting line about what mathematicians do at conferences that should amuse anyone who has ever known a math major. It made me want to see "Finding Forrester" again, as well, because that movie was very cool.

2. I hate my portfolio. It makes me feel very stupid, it fills me with dread, and I loathe to even open the files on my computer. The procrastination shopping I did today with my brother's gf would easily have been filled some other way had I been at home. There's this nauseating feeling in the pit of my stomach that only fills me with more sickness. It's like a panic attack you can see coming and can't do anything to avoid.

Ah, sweet Procrastination

I meant to go to the gym this morning. I might still go, but unlikely. When I woke up at 6 am, I just felt right away that "this is not a gym day." I have to work on my portfolio some more, probably call my mentor to see if we can get together tomorrow to look it over. I also, however, have to be ready for my parents arrival tonight, as I am making them lasagne. This will involve vacuuming the apartment and cleaning the kitchen and what not. And since I was up at 6am, I'll probably try to fit a nap somewhere in there (god I love weeks off).

My brother was in a VERY pissy mood after he got out of work yesterday, but cheered up slowly across the rest of the evening. We went out to the local dive for a drink and, of course, the kid whose father owns the place was working. I got Ms. T'ed in public. My brother's girlfriend thought that was hella funny. I was rather embarrassed. But I was only drinking a beer and was quite sober when I had the conversation. Go me. Woo. Hoo.

The roommate cannot return soon enough. Her cat misses her very much.

Oh! I got my mother hooked on MAC make up. Which is all Sar's fault really. They should give you a commission, girl.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Interesting Article.

Why Nice Guys Finish Last...and Why it is Their Own Fault

Hob is walking around REALLY chatting it up with himself. It's a little entertaining. I can't figure out why he is doing this.

I called my brother at 6 am (he was up, don't worry) to wish him a happy birthday. He was mildly amused and I don't think too annoyed.

Also, besides being woken up at 5 am this morning by flying fur and Hob attacking the Bunny, I also rammed my toes into a door frame and one of them is now bleeding.

Whoo. Hoo.

Your dating personality profile:

Liberal - Politics matters to you, and you aren't afraid to share your left-leaning views. You would never be caught voting for a conservative candidate.
Practical - You are a down-to-earth individual who is not impressed with material excess. You care about the stuff of like that really matters.
Intellectual - You consider your mind amongst your assets. Learning is not a chore but a constant search after wisdom and knowledge. You value education and rationality.
Your date match profile:

Intellectual - You seek out intelligence. Idle chit-chat is not what you are after. You prefer your date who can stimulate your mind.
Practical - You are drawn to people who are sensible and smart. Flashy, materialistic people turn you off. You appreciate the simpler side of living.
Conservative - Forget liberals, you need a conservative match. Political discussions interest you, and a conservative will offer the viewpoint you need.
Your Top Ten Traits

1. Liberal
2. Practical
3. Intellectual
4. Adventurous
5. Big-Hearted
6. Wealthy/Ambitious
7. Traditional
8. Athletic
9. Shy
10. Romantic
Your Top Ten Match Traits

1. Intellectual
2. Practical
3. Conservative
4. Shy
5. Adventurous
6. Athletic
7. Funny
8. Traditional
9. Wealthy/Ambitious
10. Religious

Take the Online Dating Profile Quiz at Dating Diversions

Monday, April 17, 2006

Sometimes it's worth the extra money

Well, after months of contemplation, I finally went back to the place that installed my CD player in my car, told them the problem, and the guy told me the best bet was just to replace the thing because the factory might work on it for free if we doctored a receipt, but I'd be without tunage for awhile. Or, I could spend about $120, get a brand new player that day, he'd install it in the parking lot, and new player would be able to rock the MP3 CD. Mr. Salesman was awfully good looking, so I went with Option B. Now I have a new CD player that plays CDs. W00T!

What else? I went to the gym this morning, worked on my portfolio for about an hour before getting frustrated 'cause all my answers to the freakin' questions are the same, got my hair cut and eyebrows waxed, did the CD player thing, went to Target, didn't buy anything, but got into a fender bender. (Not my fault.) I was trying to turn onto this rather busy road and I thought I had a clear right turn, but I didn't take into account all the people pulling U-ies, so I was kind of hanging out onto the road a bit, still on the shoulder. Well, the woman behind me obviously didn't think I should stay stopped because she rammed into my car. I got onto the road and immediately pulled over, but there was no damage to my car (Go Swedes!) and no damage to hers. She was in hysterics crying, however, as she had apparently whacked her knee on the steering wheel. She had a scar on her knee, probably from surgery, so that's why I imagine it hurt more than it ought to have. I asked her several times if she was okay, said that I didn't think we needed to report this, she agreed. I asked her AGAIN if she was okay, and she said yes. So I left. I'm sure some of you will say that was stupid and whatnot but the only damage to my car was a torn bumper sticker. And she was to blame.

After that drama, I went to Best Buy to pick up part 1 of my brother's bday gift (he turns 22 tomorrow) and then to the bank to get a new savings account recorder. Now I'm home, contemplating the beauty of the MP3 CD, as well as if my brother is coming over for dinner tonight and should I take a nap.

I felt like a bit of a loser last night; I came home almost right after we had Easter dinner. I wanted to hang out, but my brother was having some bizarre-o reaction to the air so his eye was all puffy and I just wanted to be at home in my pajamas. I'll try to make it up to him somehow.

That is all from the land of me. Oh yes. Hob. He has found a liking for the kitchen table and the tulips my mother bought me for Easter. Please with the stopping of the eating, thank you.

You scored 25 nervousness!
You are a rabbit, and though you seem cuddley, I'm willing to bet you can be a big fat jerk. I bet you hate it when people make jokes about your silly-looking ears.

Link: The Small Nervous Animal Test written by zombieface on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Frequency and Dangerous Beauty

The nice thing about extended periods of time off is the ability to watch movies whenever you want. I Netflixed the above movies because I had not seen them. (A good reason to rent, n'est-ce pas?) Anyway, I enjoyed both thoroughly, especially Frequency because, in the end, it did not go all Butterfly Effect on me. Dangerous Beauty was just cool because, hi, courtesans. And Rufus Sewell. All-in-all, a good time.

I'm going to start working on my portfolio tomorrow morning, but I've been enjoying these brainless days quite a lot, especially with the GORGEOUS weather afforded us. I may go outside with a book for a little while to really enjoy it. Then it's back to my parents' house for Round 2 of Easter dinner. I forgot my brother's girlfriend's present here (garlic press--yup, that's my family), so I was ostricized last night. ;) No, just kidding, but my mother was a bit miffed at me.

I hope everyone is having a fan-tabulous weekend.

Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. Babysitter
2. Cashier
3. Receptionist
4. Teacher

Four Movies you would watch over and over
1. Star Wars
2. The Three Musketeers
3. Dogma
4. Clueless

Four places you have lived:
1. Meriden
2. Saudi Arabia
3. East Hampton
4. Glastonbury

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. The West Wing
2. CSI
3. House
4. 24

Four places you have been on vacation:
1. California
2. Nova Scotia
3. Oregon
4. Texas

Websites you visit daily or frequently
1. livejournal
2. blogger
3. juno (email)
4. yahoo (email)

Four of my favorite foods
1. Pizza
2. Egg Rolls
3. Bagels
4. Ice Cream

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. England
2. the Mediterranean
3. California
4. Oregon

Friday, April 14, 2006

Laundry courtesy (and other Everyone Has the Day Off annoyances)

Folks, it's really simple: the laundry machine tells you how much time it will take the wash and/or dry your articles of clothing. All you have to do is set your stove for that amount of time. Then, when the buzzer goes off, you go to retrieve your clothing or put it in another machine. Leaving your clothes down there for other people to move around so we can do laundry is not very nice.

Also, Good Friday grocery shopping: don't recommend it. It's right up there with Dec. 23rd or so. Besides having double the number of people normally in the grocery store, everyone is in a rush and/or a bad mood. The old woman in front of me was SO grouchy. Yes, the convalescent home van was outside, I get that. But they know you got on, sweetheart, they'll wait for you. Sheesh!

And don't get me started on the little angels.

But today has not been all bad. After kicking the kitties out of my room at 6 am because they couldn't stop fighting, I got another 2 hours of sleep. 8AM might not seem like much, but good Lord was it blissful for me. I meant to go to the gym, but decided I wanted to have a lazy morning. I'll go on Monday, when I'm on my vacation "schedule" for my portfolio and the other things I have to do. I wore a skirt out and about for my errands, and felt quite pretty, despite yesterday's horrors of "sucky underwear" shopping and the fact that my brown dress I was planning to wear to the Sub Ball next Friday doesn't quite fit. My mom best explained it as "It's so slinky; it won't give a pound." So I'll just have to hope I have some place to wear this thing since I spent so much money on it. I have a "back up" dress from one of the formals at AMC and it still fits (as well it should, I was almost 150 when I bought it), so I'm going to wear that instead. I look hot in it. W00T.

I've got several meals planned for the weak (besides the lasagne I promised my mother I would make), and am hoping to have people around to eat them with me. I can probably convince brother and brother's gf to come out at least one night.

Okay, the cats? Kind of nuts. I gave them catnip this morning, which lead to Cleo attaching everything that looked like it might be thinking about moving. But even before that, and now after the 'nip has warn off, they're still bouncing around like crazy. Combination me home plus nice weather I suppose. They're calling for rain later, so I'm hoping it stays at bay for at least a little while. Like tonight, when I'm just sitting here and watching movies.

Oh! I got my L.L. Bean Boat n' Tote bag yesterday, plus my toiletries bag for when I do The Big Trip this summer. I love my new bag (it says "Lady Vader" on it. Tee hee) and the toilitries bag is just convenient.

Hope everyone is having a lovely Good Friday and has an even nicer Easter Weekend.

Indeed, you are 62% erudite, 70% sensual, 45% martial, and 37% saturnine.
Born from the foam of the sea, Aphrodite became the Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty. This is a polite way of saying she was the Goddess of Sex. In the case of Aphrodite, perhaps it would be more accurate to say she was the Goddess of sex, sex, and more sex.

Obviously all this sex couldn't possibly be good 100% of the time, and it wasn't. Aphrodite was as well known for the pain she brought as she was for the pleasures of sexual passion which she personified. The lesson she taught was: "Every pleasure has its price."

The most notorious example of this is when she promised Paris, a Prince of Troy, the love of the world's most beautiful woman, Helen, if only he would judge her the fairest Goddess in a ridiculous contest that developed between Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena. Unable to resist such a lusty bribe, the foolish Prince declared Aphrodite the winner, which irked Hera and Athena to no end. True to her word, Aphrodite allowed Helen to fall under the seductive charms of young Paris.

What happened next most everyone knows - a ten year war that didn't come to an end until a certain wooden horse came on the scene.

In spite of all the pain and misery that Aphrodite brings to those who naively think of love as a simple matter full of sunshine and lollipops, she is still the Goddess of beauty and can be very gentle to those who respect and understand her sensual and complex nature.

Link: The Mythological Goddess Test written by Nitsuki on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Thursday, April 13, 2006

To start my vacation on a very cool note:

According to my dad's sister:

"You know how people are always saying how a baby looks like one parent or the other (mostly for want of something better to say)? Or an aunt or uncle? Jane does not resemble Elliot, or either parent (though the Andersons insist she looks like Luke) but I've been thinking she reminds me of somebody. When she was having her bath tonight Dodie and I said the same thing. She reminds us of Karen when she was a baby! So there you have it."

Okay, so how cool is that? I probably shouldn't be as happy about this as I am, but the fact that my ghetto-ass recessive genes showed up in someone else is pretty freakin' cool.

I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow. My mother has me going on a bunch of errands for her for Easter, but that's okay. Because 5:30 does not bring the alarm clock. Rejoice and Hallelujiah.

~ 62% Water ~ 44% Wind ~ 62% Earth ~ 44% Fire ~
And I know and I believe

There's a way out to the sea of happiness

It seems your personality is in perfect harmony; your impulses are tempered with thoughtfulness, and your emotions are balanced with a healthy amount of reason.

In order to maintain that harmony, try wearing a Jade, a Chrysoprase or an Agate; all three enhance balance and stability, as does the Snowflake Obsidian that will help remain balanced during times of change.

In detail: You are more balanced than most people. Your Ground Chakra, (associated with the element of fire and representing our basic desires and driving force), your Creative Chakra, (associated with the element of earth and representing our need to preserve and grow), your Heart Chakra, (associated with the element of water and representing our sense of love and compassion), and your Throat Chakra, (associated with the element of wind and represents our desire to learn and communicate), appear to be on an equal footing with each others.

Link: The Elemental Balance Test written by Nitsuki on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Interstate Booty Call (and the stupidities there of)

Do you know how sometimes, even as you agree to something, you're wondering just why it sounds like a good idea? Or when both your subconscious and conscious mind know that someone really isn't that into, you agree to drive an hour out of the way to have dinner with him, and then the extra half hour to spend the night at his apartment? (Nothing happened...for a change).

It's not that I can't say 'no' to former's that I don't want to. As much as I know (or am fairly sure) that things aren't going anywhere with him, and I'm not even sure I want them to...I am moth to proverbial fire. I like being out with him, he's very cool...and the kissing ain't too bad either. Is this one of those unconventional adult relationships? Am I still being a naive teenager? Have I found something in between the two? I go through these phases where I'm terribly adult and mature and I don't think about him...and then he asks me to spend the night at his place...

Oy. Vey.

So...yeah...that was my weekend.

April Fool
anathema523buys you a Russian Bride.
bulky_monstertrims your hedge into a replica of the Venus de Milo.
dusk_in_denderasells your cat on Ebay.
endymionlegally changes your name to MoonBeam Cappa.
jayiinshaves your house.
jediowlsmiles. All the time.
kingtommyglues your elderly relatives to your bedroom ceiling.
klugscheisstevehas a hundred large anchovy pizzas and a diet coke delivered to your door.
sreyaTPs your car.
sue_parsonseggs your dog.
Prank Me

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Surveys...more interesting than my life

1. What time is it?: 6:11 PM
2. Full name: If you have to ask, it's not your business
3. What are you most afraid of?: Dying alone
4. What is the most recent film you have seen in a theatre?: Um... ... She's The Man, I think.
5. Have you ever seen a ghost?: Yes
6. Place of birth: Meriden, CT
7. Favorite New food: I can't remember the last "new" thing I tried...Indian food, I guess
8. Ever been to Alaska: No
9. Ever been toilet papering rolling: I assume this is meant to be TPing? The answer is no
10. Loved someone so much it made you cry: Yup
11. Been in a car accident: Yup
12. Croutons or bacon bits: Croutons
13. Favorite day of the week: Saturday
14. Favorite Restaurant: The East Side
15. Favorite Flower: Tulips
16. Favorite sport to watch: Football
17. Favorite Drink: Jack N' Coke
18. Favorite ice cream: Cookiees and Cream or Chocolate Chip Cookiee cream
19. Disney or Warner Brothers: WB
20. Favorite fast food restaurant: Taco Bell
21. What color is your bedroom carpet?: Hardwood floor, light finish
22 How many times you failed your driver's test?: 0, I passed the first time.
23. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail: Borders
24. What do you do most often when you are bored?: Watch TV, surf the web, read
25. Bedtime: anywhere between 9 and 11
26. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest?: As it's not an ACTUAL email, I have no idea...
27.Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond?: See above
28. Who is the person that you are most curious to see their responses?: No one really...everyone's answered them a million times
29. Favorite T.V. show: 24. I heart Jack Bauer
30. Last person you went to dinner with: the roommate
31. Ford or Chevy?: Ford...go Mustang!
32. What are you listening to right now?: Roommate's unknown
33. What are your favorite colors?: Blue and pink
34. How many tattoos do you have?: I can proudly say...One.
35. How many pets do you have?: Officially? Just Cleo. But by extension, I'm up to 2 dogs and 4 cats
36. Which came first the chicken or the egg?: Chicken
37. What would you like to accomplish before you die?: Motherhood and a published novel
38. How many people are you sending this e-mail to?: The World

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Happiness is... this afternoon when the UPS man brought me my copy of Star Wars, Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. I promptly put the sucker in my DVD player, hoping to see some bloopers in the "hidden menu." No bloopers, but watching Hip-Hop Yoda was pretty funny. Then we're off to disk 2 to see deleted scenes (Yay, Rebellion formation!)

I haven't put it in to watch the actual movie. Yet. I'll save that for this weekend when I can just love my man for all his misguided, angsty glory.

This actually segue's nicely into my honors sophomore class today, where I showed them pictures of the Ninja Turtles from the wax museum, and then of myself with Darth Vader at both WM and MoS. Obviously my students from last year apprecated the latter two pictures more, but everyone was entertained by my can't-breath-omg-Vader reaction from the Museum of Science.

Also made an entire automotive shop happy today as I brought them donuts. Their instructor's reaction was, and I quote, "Jesus Christ, you didn't have to do that."

I didn't actually teach a single class today, and yet looked very productive for 6 hrs. Who rocks the casbah? That would be me.

Here, another picture or two:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...wearing only bras and girdles...

The Man...the Myth...the Machine

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Busted tires, taxes, and surprising lessons

I KNEW my car sounded funny driving into work this morning. One of my co-workers saw my car in the parking lot and informed me that I had a flat tire. He then, g-d bless him, called the Auto guy, who sent a kid up to find the car and change the tire for me. Co-Worker the first kept on it all day to make sure I got my car back. Really, all he had to do was tell me the tire was flat; I would've taken it from there with Auto guy.

What I didn't like was him telling me how to thank the kids for fixing the tire so quickly; of COURSE I was going to buy them donuts when I went into work on Thursday (I have a conference tomorrow); do I look like an idiot? (Incidentally, can you double-semi-colon in the same sentence?)

Also, I'm very confused by taxes. You're supposed to claim one thing, so they take lots of money from you, but then at the end of the year, you claim something else and they give you money back. Okay, fine...sort of. Government math makes my head hurt.

Booted two kids from my Creative Writing class today. The class was not stellar afterwards, but I could definitely work more with individual students instead of worrying about what was going to fly across my room or be drawn on my desks. I feel bad for my department head (a little), but he said he'd take the brats. So he can have them.

I'm working with my juniors (honors) on the College Search because everyone else in my building seems to think this is a senior year endeavor. Ah, no. Anyway, so I introduced the unit to them today and they were actually REALLY excited for the most part; glad that someone was taking an interest in their desire. We went down to the library, played with the Princeton Review website and the kids got a list of colleges. I had them write down the essay topics for the schools as well. They didn't even balk at the idea of writing these essays.

Funny bit--one of the kids was complaining how he kept getting really low compatibilities with the colleges on his list (say, under 60%). So I registered for the site and pretended I was a high school senior. Albertus didn't even show up on the list of possible schools for me. The kids got a kick out of that, and then stopped freaking about the percentages. A lot of my kids had Harvard or Yale on their Reach lists, which was strange. Not that these kids aren't smart, but... ...

So that's it. I leave you with one picture from my trip to Boston.

Monday, April 03, 2006

SICK freakin' people

Okay, how much do you have to hate yourself to participate in bare-backing?

For those of you who don't know what this is (and I just found out, but that doesn't mean anything), this is when non-HIV positive men go to a place, line up, and have unprotected sex with HIV-positive men, playing what is essentially Russian Roulette.

SICK! And if you want to kill yourself (which seems to be the ultimate point in such a STUPID exercise), why do it in a slow way with HIV? Take a gun, jump off a cliff, pop some pills...but willingly infecting yourself with the HIV...*shakes head* omgwtfbbq?

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Awkward? Yes, thank you

Am still not feeling very well, despite the Day-Quil/Ny-Quil double punch. I felt crappy most of yesterday, probably because I went out Friday night and shouldn't have. I'm also back to eating like a pig. Why do I have no self-control? God, I suck.

Anyhew, yesterday I got some work done, then went out with my brother and his gf to Black-Eyed Sally's and then Bourbon Street. The first was good because of the band, but there were many scary, middle-aged people attempting to dance and not making a good go of it. We all got a good chuckle at their expense. Bourbon was good, also with a live band.

Then why the post title, oh dear KJ, you may be asking. Well, because one of the first people that made eye contact with me was the co-worker of the guy I was sort of seeing around Thanksgiving. He kept coming up to talk to me. Uncomfortable. THEN, from across the room, I saw another guy that I was talking to a few months ago. I'm pretty sure he saw me, too, but neither of us went up to talk to the other, which was a blessing. The only thing that would've topped the evening off would have been if The Ex had been there with someone. 'Cause, yeah.

I'm watching Highlander right now because I don't want to do anymore planning or work. I'm still tired, although at least my 6 hrs of sleep was uninterrupted.

If George Lucas Cast Star Wars from Your Friend List, He'd Pick... by athersgeo
Luke Skywalkerbulky_monster
Han Solomiss_dendera
Princess Leiadusk_in_dendera
Wedge Antillesiharthdarth
Obi-Wan Kenobitehkillingpill
Darth Vaderanathema523
Grand Moff Tarkinklugscheissteve
The Emperoraregan
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Sar, you get to make out with yourself. LOL

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Thank you, Hob, for my 5:30 AM wake-up call

And, really, I could've used a LITTLE more sleep last night. Hopefully I'll get a nap in later.

Went out with my brother and his girlfriend last night. Didn't get nearly as hammered as the last time we all went out, although I think my brother picked up the slack there. ;) He was not in good shape when I left my parents' house. Still, his gf and I had a nice time chatting after he crashed. Something was said about a Jack n' Jill party today...and something else...okay, so I did have a BIT to drink. Probably not the smartest thing to do when one is sick, but I didn't want to stay home by myself doing school work all evening either.

Oh, I had a shot of straight tequila last night. It actually wasn't that bad. The salt and lime helped, obviously. It wasn't that cheap stuff that got A. and I (mostly A) so wasted back in September.

Hob just meowed at us all. Shake your fists at him angrily. I do not want to be awake.

Oh wait, now he's dragging a stuffed rabbit from my bedroom into the living room.

Okay, so when Borders was having their Teacher Appreciation sale last week, A and I went to pick up some stuff. I finally bought myself Don't Get Too Comfortable: The Indignities of Coach Class, the Torments of Low Thread Count, the Never-Ending Quest for Artisanal Olive Oil, and Other First World Problems by David Rakoff. The book was not, in the end, quite what I expected, but it was still very entertaining (aka many a page has been dog-eared for quotes). Rakoff's experiences range from the movement to minimalize to visiting a cryogenic storage facility (which is actually very reasonably priced). His whole point, thesis if you will, is to show how RIDICULOUS the American life has become, how pampered and over-indulged we are, as a whole.

I will not bombard you with every quote, but I give you a few to think about:

"Amanda Hesser, a generally very fine journalist, writing about fleur de sel, had this to say about sea salt that is harvested in France and available in New York City for $36 a kilo: 'As I ate them, fine crystals of salt sprinkled on the potatoes crackled under my teeth, releasing tiny bursts that tasted of the sea and its minerals. There was no sting at the back of the mouth, no bitterness, just a silky, salty essence wrapping each bit of potato'. Sting at the back of the mouth? Bitterness? What has poor Amanda Hesser been doing all these years to add some savor to her food? Licking undeveloped Polaroids?"--p. 22-23

"Even though the temple onstage has a Latin designation, it feels quite Greek in here. I mean Greek in that binge-drinky, Daliesque-arcs-of-airborne-vomit, ripe-with-the-incipient-danger-of-date-rape, college-fraternity sense of the word, as opposed to the Aegean birthplace of democracy."--p.81

"I suspect Guerriero's family loves him no matter what his party affiliation, and last I checked the Red Sox didn't try to reverse the Curse of the Bambino by crowding all the homos into the obstructed-view seats."--p. 158

"Bodies are bequeathed to Alcor under the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, the same statue that allows you to give your postmortem organs to the sick, or donate your cadaver so that the first-year anatomy students can cut you up and, if my cousin's medical school experience is any indication, make fun of the size of your penis."--p. 212