Geek In the Pink

Friday, September 30, 2005

Finally Freakin' Friday

Yesterday I had to explain jump roping to my freshmen.

Today I had to invoke "Mandatory Reporter" business.

Tonight I shop, and then go watch football.

Tomorrow I Ren Faire, without the POI, because he has a birthday party to go to that was apparently last minute and he can't get out of it. (I almost typed "go to go." Oy!) I'm still not sure how I feel about that. He seems to feel bad about it, however. Hrmph.

Tomorrow I also go back to my parents' house for dinner.

I think at some point I had a weekend, but it's all gone now.

Here, quiz results:

You are Kermit the Frog.
You are reliable, responsible and caring. And you
have a habit of waving your arms about

"Hi ho!" "Yaaay!" and
"How Green Was My Mother"

"Surfin' the Webfoot: A Frog's Guide to the

Sitting in the swamp playing banjo.

"Hmm, my banjo is wet."

What Muppet are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Ah, Euro Pop

So stupid, it had to be shared

Worth the price of admission, if you've got a good sense of humor.

Failed experiments in oatmeal

I tried to make myself instant oatmeal this morning, but I had several factors working against me:

1. I had never made this particular type of microwave oatmeal before.
2. I am still getting used to the power of the new microwave.
3. I used soy milk instead of water and regular milk.

The result? A hard glob that, while cooked, was not fully mixed and I would occassionaly get huge chunks of cinnamon while other chunks tasted like cardboard, as they were unflavored by said cinnamon. I was definitely not what anyone would designate a "happy camper."

Definitely have to cook dinner tonight. I have no willpower, as everyone knows, so when we eat out, I'm a glutton. So we're either have zucchini and pine nuts or vegetarian tostadas. The polling begins now and closes at 5pm EST. That's 12 hours to get in your vote!

I don't WANNA go to work...

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Ah, Wednesday

Well, let's see. Yesterday I spent $65 on a new part for my car, went to the dentist, and had dinner with my folks and brother. Brother bought me a shirt from the Hard Rock in Baltimore, it's actually quite pretty. I'm going to give him full credit for picking it out, and Mindy for choosing my size, even though I have NO idea if that's the story.

Today was okay, although I did have to sit in a 50-minute meeting after school, only to discover that it was completely pointless, save for the fact that they have to dump the entire gradebook software and re-install it. This means we'll have to re-input all our grades. Ye. Freakin. Haw.

Also, cat is being a little weird. If weirdness continues, we shall have to call the vet. As she was just AT the vet, this is really quite annoying.

Sar, any word on the weekend after Columbus Day for the trip?

Here are some more useless quizzes to amuse with:

Your arch-nemesis is:

Because you told the teacher that they were throwing spit balls
The winner will be...
They already have too many arch nemeses, so you are on their friends list.
Take this quiz at


The ULTIMATE personality test
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, September 26, 2005

Highway Hilarity

I had a guy try to pick me up on the highway today. Seriously. He drove up next to my car, waved, and then pantomimed going for a drink. You know, if I'd had my number written on something, I probably would've given it to him. But as it is a Monday night, I couldn't really justify going out for a drink with some Jetta-driving white boy, now could I?

Crazy parent meeting went...better than expected, but the mother and father were, in fact, quite loony. Enabling students is so VERY interesting to watch. It makes me want to beat people about the head and shoulders.

Here, an amusing, yet morbid, mid-day reprieve:

Take this quiz at

How did this happen?

I was having a perfectly good couple of days and then...Monday. Who ordered Monday? I certainly didn't.

Theoretically, this week shouldn't be TOO bad, meeting with crazy parent this afternoon notwithstanding. I am happy to be getting my freshmen back, and I hope shop hasn't turned them into wicked, malevolant little beings. Let's all pray on that, shall we?

My Vikings won! *does happy dance* Okay, so we're 1-2, but we did manage to WIN a game, which show that the team has not, in fact, forgotten what sport they are paid to play.

Good Monday to you all!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

More newspaper idiocy

So I'm flipping through the Parade section of the paper this morning, and there's this whole thing about heart health, led with an article about Bill Clinton. A good section of this "special" has to do with children and heart disease. And a sub-section is entitled "Could your child be at risk?"

Okay, so I'm reading through the list of things that indicate "risky" behavior, and it says the usual: high-calorie foods and inactivity. Under that, it says "What to do." The first thing is "have your child tested."


NO! The first thing to do is stop being a lazy ass and buy your kids some REAL food instead of McDonald's happy meals and frozen pizzas all the time! Fruits, vegetables, whole grains...does any of this sound familiar? AND GET YOUR ASS UP OFF THE COUCH! Take the kid for a freakin' walk when you get home from work. Sign them up for dance or karate or something. When kids are young (0-10), they are DEPENDENT ON YOU to make all these decisions. As they get older, they may be able to express displeasure, but they still need YOU to do something about it.

Ahem. I feel a little bit better, now that I have sufficiently raised my blood pressure.

I am off now, to gather, forage and plan lessons. Don't you wish you lived my life?

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Steppin' Out

Do you know what is a really good way to kick off a weekend? Spending 4 hours with a flamboyantly gay man with a fantastic sense of humor. A. and I celebrated her friend Steve's birthday yesterday, with a whole bunch of their friends from high school...and me. However, I more than felt right at home with them, and we were laughing so hard our stomachs hurt. (Ab workout? We don't need no stinkin' ab work out!) By the end of the evening, I had invited everyone to our Halloween party (no, I wasn't drunk), but told them they had to dress up. Steve was not overly happy with that idea. ;) Sometimes I feel weird that we always hang out with A's friends, but then I remember that my bestest buddies are either 1. on the opposite coast, 2. trapped in the midwest or 3. saving lives in England. And my local friends are all "adult," and know, married and with babies, so it's a little harder for them to come out with us.

I slept in! No, really! It was quarter to 9 before I got out of bed this morning. The last three hours were more like 1-hr naps interspersed with Cleo chatting me up about how, really, I could get up any time to feed her if I felt so inclined. After getting up and feeding the cat, I got the newspaper, made myself some peanut butter toast, then sat outside to read the newspaper. Our back "porch" is really just a stoop, but it felt good to sit out there, enjoying a little bit of the cooler air. I even had a cup of tea.

So I'm feelin' pretty good this morning. I'm going to enjoy my second (and possibly 3rd) cup of green tea, take a shower, then head off to Ikea in search of curtain rods and possibly This bed. Or some other bed. I want a bed. Then tonight, I am off to dine with my parents. I may drag the roommie along, if she wants to come.

Tomorrow, alas and alack, I devote to lesson plans. But football too, so score. I wish my computer faced the would be much easier to work that way :)

Friday, September 23, 2005


Too funny, I absolutely HAD to share:

Oh blessed weekend

I was supposed to go out with co-workers this afternoon, but I got to the bar and no one was there, and I felt suddenly really tired, so I came home, bitched about my job to my roommie and took a nap. Oh, how much better do I feel? I ate a whole bunch and I'm feeling really guilty about it, but I've been SO hungry lately it's crazy. Stress from work, I'm figuring. Not that I'm feeling the stress consciously, but my subconscious is apparently working over time.

Nothing much planned for this weekend, other than the trip to Ikea and probably dinner with my parents on Saturday. They're going to the Ren Faire tomorrow, so we'll get all the good scoop before we go NEXT weekend. Am very excited about that.

I'm not sure if I need to go back for more napping or not. I woke up to my cell phone, so I'm a bit disoriented, but don't really feel like sleeping anymore. Hrm.

Anyway, good weekend to you all!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

One of those weeks...

Yeah, I know it's not over yet, but I feel like I need to get it behind me. Work hasn't sucked profoundly or fact, I've rather enjoyed it for the most part. Still, I want it to be 2:55 tomorrow, so I know that I have 72 hours where I DON'T have to be there.

Just been a weird week emotionally/motivationally for me. I haven't felt like doing much of anything in the way of planning, which is bad. Also just feeling a little nutters--insecure, paranoid...all those great things that really add up to being a positive member of society.

Not sure what my plans are for the weekend, other than Ikea at some point, but I don't know if they're going to involve the POI. See paranoia and insecurity above, but I'm a little hurt about that. It was kind of nice knowing I'd see him once a week. Alas and alack, perhaps so goes the experience.

Brother is driving down to Baltimore this weekend with 'the girl' so they can see an Orioles game. They're staying over for 2 nights and my mother is FREAKING out. Because...yes, well, she's my mother. And my mother likes to freak out.

OMG! Yesterday morning at the gym. I'm almost done with my workout, maybe 2 minutes left in the cool down. This woman comes up to me and says something, but of course I can't hear her because I was rockin' out to...something. Unimportant. So I take off my headphones and she repeats herself: "Weren't you only signed up until 5:45?" Sure enough, the clock said 5:47. I said, "Uh, sorry," and got off the discover that almost the entire BANK of treadmills behind me was empty. I'm sorry, you needed THAT treadmill? WTF? And it wasn't like she was watching TV or anything, she was listening to music and reading. I know that the gym has you sign up for your machine, but that's REALLY more for extremely busy between 6:30 and 8 in the morning and 5:30 and 7 at night. Could she not have just used ANOTHER treadmill? I was really pissed off about it.

See, THIS is why I need it to be Friday.

CSI premiere tonight. Woohoo!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Sesame Street

Today's early-morning wake up call was brought to us by the number 1:11 and the letters C-L-E-O.

Other than that, however, I did manage to sleep until the alarm went off. Was having some bizzaro dream right before I woke up...don't remember anything about it.

The cats are chasing each other around the kitchen, living room and hallway. Ridiculously entertaining. It's like an obstacle course because, besides all the furniture, we have bags and boxes from our mini-shopping-spree on Sunday strewn about the place.

I've gotta figure out a better way to get in all my sleep. I can't very well go to bed at 8:30 and catch 8 hrs, but I almost fell asleep driving into work yesterday, and had to stop somewhere for a Coke. Sure, I COULD have gotten coffee, but...well, yeah.

I'm really not sure what to do with my juniors. They're the honors kids, so this means more in-depth discussion, in theory. Unfortunately, I don't really have the materials to do such a thing with. Plus, our textbook sucks. I figure we'll just plow through some required material today & tomorrow, I'll test 'em on Friday, and then we'll do "The Crucible" (yay!) when they get back. THAT will be fun.

Also trying to decide WHEN to do my portfolio. Was going to do it in October, but given the hopefully-upcoming trip with the ladies, I'll be missing a day and that would be bad. Early November then. But what to do with the suckers next cycle. Hrm...

All right, gym time. Hope everyone has a good day.

You are a

Social Liberal
(63% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(18% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Getting better

Only woke up once prior to the alarm this morning, at 3:40, so that's an improvement. Was arguably more exhausted than yesterday, however. Ug.

As for everything else...I'd just like to clear up that I didn't say anything stupid and mushy to the P.o.I. We had an adult conversation and he revealed that we were at a place I thought we were passed. Okay, fine, good for the information. We're still talking n' stuff.

All right....REALLY need to get ready for the gym now. Watch me go.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Having Trouble Sleeping? Why, yes, thank you.

So this is the new game. Starting at about 12:30 in the morning, I wake up every hour for no discernible reason. The cat is just lying there, sleeping. The fan is still going. Absolutely no reason for me to not be sleeping. Yet both Saturday and Sunday nights...guess what?

Part of this is because I'm feeling very...insecure lately. Actually, probably within the last 72 hours or so. A certain blog has been making me feel like karma is not fair. And I don't want to complain about my life, and I know it's pretty much all untrue...but what if it isn't? How is it possible that he's doing better than I am? And why do I care?

And of course, as I'm PMSing, I'm getting unexplainably moody, as a bi-product of the insecurity. Had a conversation with "person of interest" last night that...let the wind out of my sails a little bit. (Yeah, look, I'm being truthful and admitting how my life really is. *ahem*) Not that it's over, or anything like that...I just thought we were...farther along than I guess we are. And once again, Lady's social ineptitudes get her hurt, through nobody's fault but her own. Back to playing coy, I suppose. Isn't that what they like? I really don't even know anymore.

This morning was a morning I really could have not gotten up to go to the gym. After seeing those red numbers of death repeatedly, what I wouldn't give to be back in bed for another hour. But alas, and alack, I am being a good girl and going for my cardio instead. Wasn't really hungry when I woke up, which is unusual, so I only had a luna bar. No smilk in the house...have to buy more.

/end rant about my really not so sucky life.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

We do NOT like to talk about it.

0-2. What kind of record is 0-2? It's like the team didn't even show UP on the field. WTF?

Had a good time out with my brother, the new girl, his friends, the roomie and our friends. Of course, mostly it was just brother, new girl, A. and myself, as everyone else didn't want to pay the cover charge to see the band, but whatever. Had an Irish Car Bomb for the first time.

Saturday was spent recovering from Friday, correcting papers, and eating dinner with the folks. My brother was there for dinner too, miracle of miracles.

Today I went down by the old stomping grounds and watched football at a bar with the "person of interest" and a whole bunch of crazy, wacked out football fans. It was most excellent. My poor liver has been DESTROYED this weekend, however, so we must get back in the proverbial saddle of not drinking like we have been. The waist line will not appreciate it.

My cousin is having another baby! Squee!

Okay, better now.

Don't want to go to work tomorrow. Anyone want to sub for me?


Got it. Thanks folks. Big help you all are.

Friday, September 16, 2005

This is me, hiding under a blanket

That's what part of me wants to do right now. I had SUCH a lousy week co-worker wise, and my computer's being wonky. On top of that, the "person of interest" has to work tomorrow at 8am, so he can't come out with us tonight. This is sad because my brother was FINALLY going to get to meet him. Oh well, I may get to meet the brother's "person of interest" so the evening won't be a complete wash. Plus, cool band, so yay.

I made this for dinner tonight, and I think it came out very well. I know I've got a plethora of veggie-eaters on my reader list, but those of you who don't fear the meat should try them.

I am going out on Sunday to watch football, so at least I will get to see him this weekend.

I look skinny today too...Hrmmph!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Would you like to phone a friend?

Brother: "This time it's the Old Man's Fault."
Me: "What?"
Brother: "So, I walked into the railing on the stairs. And when I was limping, Dad asked what was wrong. I told him the fucking railing. He said that wasn't the adjective I was looking for. I told him it wasn't an adjective; it was an adverb. What is it?"

Also, my mother told me I'm smarter than most people, which is why my slow coworkers piss me off. Wasn't that nice of her?

You know, THIS year, it's not my kids I dislike. Yeah, I have one class that's HUGE and obnoxious, but I only see them 2 days out of 5, so I'll live. My co-workers and supervisors on the other hand...*twitch*

SO glad tomorrow is Friday. Going out to the casino for a concert, get to hang out with my baby brother, for two days! I'm probably going to my parents' house for dinner on Saturday, which...score. No cooking! I'll bring 'em wine, 'cause I'm a good girl.

Can I tell everyone how much I LOVE Itunes? If you don't use it to burn CDs and organize your computer's music library, you ought to. It rocks my socks.

Oh, my lesson that I did today with my sophomores...I think it went well. I let them watch a clip of 24 to talk about pacing in stories. They were enthralled, 'cause....oooh, TV. But I think they got the concept. So yay.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Unifying Force

Not that anyone here was planning on reading this book, but if you were...don't. It is the culmination of almost twenty years of really bad Star Wars fiction, in which our beloved characters are mutilated, both physically and emotionally, killed off, and generally abused.

Here's the short version of this book:

Ackbar dies.
Jaina & Jacen become the Wonder Twins, trying to out twin L&L.
Mara is still beautiful, but doesn't really seem to miss her kid.
Leia & Han are cute together.
To the author's credit--Luke is actually the one who kills the big bad...or so you think. Turns out, that big bad was just a front for the real big bad. Jacen kills the real big bad, turning into a big ball of light to do it.

Okay, back to REAL fiction now.

~this post brought to you by a frustrated at her co-workers Lady.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

33 sophomores

Ever been in a room with 33 sophomores at the end of a nearly 90-degree day? Yeah, not so much with the fun. Hopefully they'll have that all worked out by next Tuesday. Hrrmph.

I'm getting observed on Friday. Isn't that nice? I'll have seen these kids for 3 days and the new VP wants to watch me teach them. Oy! Hopefully, my juniors (who are honors and 14 in number) will be cooperative. I've never had any of them before, but they seem like a good group.

Of my three regular classes I teach this cycle, only one seems a little out of whack, but I think if I dish out a detention or two early, they'll probably slip right into line. I hate writing detentions, they're so tedious. But a neccessary evil when disciplining students. I can also call the football coach on some of 'em though. Hee hee.

Watching "Bones" on FOX right now. Pretty funny, so far. The dialogue is fast paced, like "The West Wing," which I like. Hopefully "House" will not disappoint tonight.

1/2 day tomorrow with the munchkins...full day for me.

I need to do laundry.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Heels = Bad

Ow, do my thighs hurt. I wore real shoes today, with 2 inch heels, and now my legs are SCREAMING in protest. I'd been walking around all day, so my lower back didn't have a chance to gripe until I sat down for the car ride home. I almost feel the need for a bath, hoping that might ease the pain. I wish this was from something more useful, like working out, but no.

Today was one of those days where I should've just played hookie. I got to the gym way later than I wanted to. The workout was okay, but then when I took a hives came back. And my face is breaking out in all these annoying bumps. So, I get out of the shower, and I put on my thigh-highs...put a HUGE hole in one of them. Then, I could only find ONE of my earrings in my bag, even though I thought I packed two. I get to work (later than I would've liked) to have the copier jam on me AND need paper. My classes, actually went fine, but they tried to hoist a study hall on me, even though I had not had a prep period yet. So yeah.

I have gone grocery shopping, with a minimum number of impulse buys. I should be planning lessons for my juniors & sophomores (as they arrive tomorrow--schedule, what schedule?), but I am not. Why? Dunno...lacking inspiration or motivation.

Sunday, September 11, 2005


Flipping through the coupons today, I found one for Zatarain's rice. It was offering a trip for two to Mardi Gras in...New Orleans.

Who was the idiot that didn't pull that ad?

Feeling Much Better

Okay, after the break down and the crying jag, I'm feeling much better. I watched She's All That because it was on TV, a few episodes of Law & Order: SVU and then went to sleep. Not a very exciting Saturday night, but the cats kept me company and I'm feeling the better for it.

Now I'm drinking green tea trying to warm up. It is surprisingly chilly in the apartment this morning. Which I suppose is appropriate because it IS the first Sunday of football season. Still, I do like summer so, and I miss it when it goes away. I might secretly be ready for it, however, as I am starting to wear a lot of my brown clothes that have been in hiding since the sun came out.

Goddess unification is possibly forthcoming, but proving to be a bit of a problem, as there's some confusion as to WHICH weekend is "the long weekend." I don't know how I can take a three-day weekend after a given three-day-weekend. We will figure it out, of course. We are women, hear us roar.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Wedding Crash

Forgive the free-flowing, partially self-induced depression, but it's really been awhile since I've done any of that and, quite frankly, I think it's healthy to do every once in awhile.

As I watched my friend's bridal party walk down the aisle, I was really angry that I wasn't part of it. And I don't even know if it's a justifiable feeling, but I was pissed. I mean, hello, how long have we known each other? Weren't we there for each other through EVERYTHING? And now on this HUGE day, you're telling me I don't get to be a part of it, other than to sit on the side lines? I'm angry, and really really upset. Like, on the point of tears, upset.

Also, weddings are depressing. I am so happy for Katie and Steve, but there's the part of me that is the single girl that isn't comfortable in her own skin, who is crying because it wasn't HER turn...AGAIN. For five years, I was waiting for it to be I don't know if it EVER will be. I am not getting any younger here. I know the 20s are supposed to be our time to trip the light fantastic but...I've got a clock, and it ticks. I don't regret the choice I made back in April, and I know it was the right thing to do, but there's this voice in me that wonders if that was my only chance for marriage...can I be happy if I never get married? And I'm not looking for "a husband" with the new guy...I am just having a wonderful time at the moment. But I've got years of programming I'm trying to override.

Also, I hate how fucking introverted I am. I sat out most of the dancing at the wedding because I just don't fit in with the other people my age that were Katie's friends. Those were all her friends from college...I'm not a part of that crowd. I was never really ASKED to be a part of that crowd. Or was I asked, but something/one was holding me back? I don't know, but it was so fucking depressing to watch her be so happy and realize I wasn't sharing in it the way I always thought I would. That was a huge opportunity I missed out on today, and I don't know why I didn't get to be apart of it. And I couldn't even figure out a way to MAKE myself a part of it. The bachelorette party was fun, but it was really obvious I didn't fit in iwth those girls.

I'm gonna go have a good long cry now.

I suck.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

It's Ba-ack!

That's returns as of tonight. Granted, we will be subjected to the Patriots, but it is still football and I still must, therefore, rejoice.

Gave my first detention of the year. The kid was aggravating all period and I finally just snapped on him. Called home, too. Hope the little guy behaves next time.

That's all. Still hungry. I'm hungry more often now and I don't really feel like I'm losing any weight. The scale hasn't moved in either direction, but I feel all..blech. I hate the "blech" feeling.

On the positive side, tomorrow is Friday.

discover what candy you are @ quiz me

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Sex Sells

So one of the poems a student wrote for my CW class had a very "I wanna get with you" feel, and the girls called him on it. So, for them, I brought in Andrew Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress." Let me tell you, BIG hit with the kiddies. They got totally grossed out with the worms, but other than that...

Someone sent me this link and we all decided it was very entertaining. Plus, it was a flashback of a sort: Choose your own dating adventure!

Things are going too well so far this year. I...I am very concerned. I fear karmic retribution. I fear for my portfolio. I fear for my sanity. Oh wait, that's gone already.

It's Wednesday already. I love the 4-day week. :)

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

What a day this has been...

...well, it started last night. Lady K did not get enough sleep. Lady K still managed to wake up this morning and go to the gym. If I pass out at 7:30 tonight, we'll all know why. It was TOTALLY worth it though. I had Ethiopian food last night for the first time, ever. You eat with your hands, it's very cool. Downtown New Haven, in case anyone is a) in the area and b) curious. Also, the company was nice, so yay.

Today was really good, work wise. I'd say about 90% of my students actually DID their homework over the weekend, which made me ridonkulously happy. And they did their group work quietly, but efficiently. Oh yeah, and they know the answers to questions when asked. Freshmen make the WORLD of difference. I'm secretly hoping that it's me, however, and that I might actually know what I'm doing now. That would be super keen. I'm hoping to keep my confidence level up for when the sophs/jrs arrive, because the sophs are most likely the ones I will inflict BEST on, and I want to have good luck with them

My seniors...omg, so funny. I'm running my creative writing class like the ones I took in college, so the kids are doing most of the work--yay. Anyhew, we had our first two presentations of work today, and the kids really got into it. I don't think those presenting were TOO embarassed, everyone kept their comments constructive without being too sugary sweet or too negative. I may ACTUALLY have done something right with this class. I know I could've been a little bit more prepared for it, such as demonstrating the whole "workshop" thing to the kids, but I couldn't find anything I really wanted to expose to my students. Not that my stuff is risque or anything, just didn't want to give them something that would 1) take too long to explain or 2) not relate to them on any level.

I caught up on my grading this weekend, which made me SO happy. I'm having the kids do a lot of work actually in class, and going over stuff with them, thereby ensuring learning while eliminating the paperwork. I only have a couple of things to correct from my senior class, and that shouldn't take too terribly long.

I was typing without looking at the keyboard today during a senior study hall; they were all very impressed. One kid actually asked me to teach him how to do it. I told him you just have to practice, it's not something that can be taught really. I hated typing in middle school because they covered your hands. I needed to see where everything was before I could learn how not to look at the keys. Thankfully that trauma is over.

I'm paying bills right now. Bill paying makes me cry. Some of it is neccessary (car maintence--huzzah for a working car!) and rent, but the other was my Vicky's bill. Well, it was mentally neccessary, but not financially. Ah well.

Hob continues to eat Cleo's food. I've taken to locking him in the room with his own food when he does this. It is very annoying. I'm surprised Cleo doesn't swat him around when he does that, but they appear to be actually playing now, which is a step up from the hissing and spitting, so yay for that.

And now that I've babbled sufficiently...have a good evening!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Slight backtracking and some forward progress

This is actually a post that gives props to my friend Leila, who informed me of the wonders of the garter belt. It is not, after all, merely a sexual thing for men to fantasize about. Oh no, it is actually a VERY practical article of clothing...once you can figure out how to use the g-d thing.

ANYWAY. I hate nylons. With all sorts of venom and passion. But, of course, if you want to wear skirts in the winter, you must wear nylons, else freeze. But I don't like the way they feel on my waist. SO...I tried the whole garter belt thing the first day of school. After the initial M-Fing that went along with getting the stupid thing to hold up the thigh-highs, I discovered it was quite lovely. My legs looked good, but I was not feeling constricted and confined. So any woman looking for an alternative to full-on pantyhose should DEFINITELY visit her nearest V.S. Boys, too, I suppose. If you're into that sort of thing.

Roommate has some sort of illness that I am hoping she will not pass on to me. I came home from my parents' house early to check on her. The coughing seems to have subsided, thanks to the drugs, so I'm hoping that she will make a decent recovery. It's too early in the year to be taking days off, after all.

Once again, Bulky tempts me with travel. If her leave goes through, she'll be back in the states during October. I could go to NY and see her over Columbus Day weekend. How much would that rock? Very much, thank you. But, of course, Katrina has a way of interrupting these things and besides, I don't know if I'll be doing my portfolio during that time or not. We shall see.

It's beautiful outside, but really too warm in my apartment. Not warm just...stuffy. Hrm. Guess I'll be sleeping with the fan on me again tonight. Cleo is also happy to be back on the bed. 4 hours was apparently too much for her to handle. Silly kitty.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Cheap booze + Free booze = Ow.

Yeah, 4 hours of sleep, not so much with the fun there. Sure, I "slept in" until 8:30, but when you went to bed at 4am... ... ... Yeah, okay then.

I woke up with what we would call a raging headache. I think it actually had more to do with the lack of water consumed prior to going to bed than the actual amount of liquor consumed. Because, really, I wasn't that drunk. Loosened up, certainly, but not stumbling around hammered.

Today is officially "Recovery Day," where by we take showers, lounge around, and possibly clean up the mess in the kitchen. It's too bad b/c a lot of food I bought and that A. made must now be discarded due to idiocy on our parts in not cleaning up prior to leaving for the club. Silly us.

My cat is very angry at me. She didn't get to sleep in my room last night.

Okay, off to think about toast...maybe with some margarine. Possibly jelly if I'm feeling adventerous. Woohoo, go hangovers! *gives self another headache* Ow :(

Friday, September 02, 2005

Because these are fun...

...and I'm waiting for A. to get out of the shower so I can "freshen up"...

Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with
LadyVader's Lurgy
Cause:falling over
Symptoms:hissing, vague gullibility, headaches, water retention
Cure:attempt to repeat cause
Enter your name, for your own diagnosis:

Tee hee

The following was shamelessly swiped from my friend Sue:

Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with
Karen's Disorder
Cause:exposure to radiation
Symptoms:mild fatigue, depression, rashes, urine retention
Cure:expensive biofeedback devices
Enter your name, for your own diagnosis:

You know, I forgot how weird dating is. Usually, when I like a guy, we just start going out. I think this may be only the second time that I'm just "seeing" someone or "talking" to them or whatever you want to call it. What ARE the rules for this situation? And as a woman, I read into everything, a habit which is VERY difficult to break, but I am doing my damndest.

I got a mani-pedi on Monday and the polish on my left hand is chipping already. Since I'm right-hand dominant, I'm trying to figure out how THAT worked out. My toes look fine, but my fingers are being less than cooperative (as evidenced by the fact that I almost typed n,gomhrtd because I was misaligned on the keyboard.

Hope everyone has a good day.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Tomorrow is Friday

Actually, this week hasn't been too bad, knock on wood. After the fiasco of the schedule earlier on, things have been well. My freshmen are really good for the most part, and pretty smart too. Well, at least the ones that are talking. I still have to correct their summer reading tests *grumblegrumble* and the diagnostic stuff, but if I devote some time to that on Monday, I should be fine.

I have hives. Isn't that freakin' wonderful? There's no discernible reason for said hives, but they exist. So now I'm on a 5-day treatement of prednisone to try and clear the suckers up. Hopefully my legs will look passably sexy tomorrow night when A and I go out dancing.

Now, if only I knew what I was going to do my portfolio on. Once I meet with my sophomores, I think I'll have a better idea of which group I'm going to tackle with that.